Heart rate was 160 bpm, and baby is measuring 9w4d. This is funny, because FF originally had my ovulation date as two days earlier, but I thought it was wrong due to a number of factors so I overrode it! I guess I'll have to change it back. This also means I'll have to do my weekly updates on Saturdays instead of Mondays. I can't believe I'll be 10 weeks on Saturday!
I was so nervous going in, M did a great job calming me down. We both got really teary eyed when we first saw the little flicker of a heartbeat. I can't believe this little thing is growing inside me!
I do have an anterior placenta, so I guess it will be harder for me to hear the heartbeat on a doppler and I won't feel the baby kick as early as others, but no big deal. I am over the moon.
Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers!
11 words of geekdom:
AWWW!!! Congrats Melissa! Baby chupie is so cute already... I am glad things went so well and you can have some peace of mind now.
Congratulations!! So glad to see Baby G doing well! Anterior placenta, does that mean it's along the front of your stomach? If so, that's how it was with Conor, and i really didn't feel him move forever! and even when i did, i didn't feel him a ton, and now with Riley i know how much of a difference it makes, but in a way it's good, cause you can't feel the pain they cause you in the end =P
I <3 baby Mchupie!!
Yay! That's great to hear!!
Congrats on the great appt!
I am so glad everything is wonderful!
Soooooo exciting! Congrats! I know what you mean about the huge sigh of relief! lol
Yay!!!! Congrats!!!
I have an anterior placenta too, I felt definite movement a little later than others (21w), and DH didn't feel movement until about 28/29w (that was a huge bummer). All in all, its totally not a big deal :)
Yay, that's great news!! Congrats!! :)
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