How far along? 18 weeks (and 3 days)
Weight gain/loss: 126 lbs. for a total of 8 gained
Maternity clothes? Yes. All the time.
Stretch marks? None yet.
Sleep? I am getting the hang of sleeping on my left side, woot!
Best moment this week? Visiting my family in Massachusetts, specifically seeing the look on my Dad's face when everyone surprised him for his birthday
Food cravings: Cadbury roasted almond chocolate bars
Gender: Less than two weeks until we find out!
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? I think I felt a kick or two last night, not sure though
What I miss? Alcohol. I was one of the very few who didn't have a single drink at my Dad's party.
What I'm looking forward to: M and I are going to Babies R Us this weekend to start our registry
Milestones: I am for sure looking pregnant now
Here's what baby looks like this week:
5 words of geekdom:
I am so jealous of your bump, still. LOL. You have such a cute baby belly. Mine is still looking more like flab, despite being 18 weeks as well. :(
I'm jealous of your bump too! Adorable. Have fun registering this weekend!
You look great!!! Have fun registering :)
You look great!!! =)
Such a cute bump!
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