How far along? 19 weeks!
Weight gain/loss: 128 lbs...oh my goodness I am up 10 lbs. :)
Maternity clothes? Oh yes.
Stretch marks? None yet.
Sleep? I am getting a little more comfortable now.
Best moment this week? Doing a great job training my class all by myself (usually I have a co-trainer).
Food cravings: Watermelon...hey, it's better than chocolate or pizza.
Gender: We'll know in a week and a half so long as baby cooperates!
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? I think I'm feeling baby, but I'm still not sure.
What I miss? Beer. Today was Madison's craft beer festival. Needless to say, we didn't go.
What I'm looking forward to: Hearing baby's heartbeat at my OB appointment on Monday.
Milestones: We ordered our crib, changing table, and glider tonight! We went to Babies 'R Us to do our registry and we were just so overwhelmed. We barely got anything done. When we came home, we just sat together and did it online...so much easier.
Here's what baby looks like this week:
4 words of geekdom:
You look wonderful!I hope baby cooperates at the appointment in 1.5 weeks.
You look great! Sorry I will miss going to the GTG in Sept. We should get together sometime after your appt and cepebrate! Lunch sometime??
Such a cute bump! Hope the baby cooperates next week :)
You look better every week, M :)
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