Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Milk factory, open for business

That's not me, but I look just as awesome in my Hands-Free Breastpump Bra.

Since buying this bra and smaller breastshields (yes I must have the tiniest nipples in the world), I have gone from pumping 2 ounces per both-boob pumping session, to about 7 ounces. One morning last week I got 7 ounces alone from lefty, who is usually my dud boob.

In addition to having the right equipment, what has been helping is my sister's pumping 'procedure'. She swears by it and expressed milk like a rockstar after my nephew Conor was born. Pump one boob while baby feeds from the other for the first feeding of the day. Repeat for 3 days. Then do the same thing for the first two feedings of the day. Repeat for another 3-4 days. Then, do it for the first three feedings of the day and stick with it.

Also, we have started feeding Carina one bottle of breastmilk per day just to get her used to the bottle. When I go back to work part-time one month from today (eek!) M will be giving her a bottle or two a day.  While M feeds her, I pump again.

I am now socking 6 oz. bags away in the freezer like crazy! Ha, I feel like a cow.

7 words of geekdom:

Mrs. M317 said...

Mooo! I have that bra, too. It was a lifesaver at work. I felt at least a little productive; while I was pumping I could check my email or get a little bit of something done.

MV said...

Ha, great minds think alike. I have a pumping post scheduled for later this week. I didn't bother with that bra mostly because I can finish up in less than 10 minutes. I'm glad it's working well for you.

Samantha said...

WHOA! I am only getting 2oz after it's been 2 hours since he left and I get about .5oz from the side he just ate. I'm asking about seeing a LC when we go to our two month checkup. He eats enough (I think) because he's gaining weight and dirties enough diapers but he is still eating every 2 hours.

Amanda Westerlund said...

YAY!!!! SO glad to hear!! Not only that you're pumping so much, but that she's taking a bottle too, just one less thing to stress about when you eventually do go back to work. So glad it's working good for you :)

Unknown said...


-Guess who?

Melissa @ Growing Up Geeky said...

Samantha, it sounds to me like he is getting enough. Are you sure your breastshield fit is right? For me, getting the right size also meant the pumping process was much more comfortable.

Samantha said...

I'm going to try to buy a smaller one today. I was actually researching it last night and I;m pretty sure I need a smaller one!

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