1. Moby Wrap
We tried the Moby early on, but Carina hated it. I decided to try again before our move last weekend and I'm so glad I did. She loves it now! I was able to actually help out with the move and I am feeling much more free to get stuff done around the house. She usually falls asleep within a few minutes of putting her in it! WIN!
2. Sassy Ring O' Links Rattle
These cost less than $4! I sort of jingle them around and Carina just stares at them. I attach them to the car seat handle sometimes when we are going out and she is instantly mesmerized. I imagine that they will be fun to use to help her learn colors once she gets older.
3. Breastflow Bottles
Carina is not a fan of bottles in general. She wants her milk right from the tap ;) We tried Dr. Brown's and she was not a fan. A friend of mine gave me these as a gift and we really like them. The nipple is designed to be more like a breast, and baby has to 'work' to get the milk out, similar to the way they breastfeed. With me working part time now, Carina gets at least one bottle a day and it's going okay so far thanks to these.
4. Oral Care Rabbit
I bought this on the recommendation of some of the Bump ladies and I am so glad I did. You slip your fingers in the bunny's ears and rub baby's gums. She really likes it! In addition to to removing bacteria and plaque, you can also use it to soothe sensitive gums while baby is teething.
Edited: it has been brought to my attention that shipping for this item is crazy expensive on Amazon. It is more reasonable (and the rabbit is in cute colors) at Diapers.com. Also, you can get 15% off your first order with code DCOM15OFF.
5. Lamaze Musical Inchworm
This worm is so freaking cute. The various sections of the body have different textures and sounds and it plays "If you're happy and you know it" when you push down on his wormy head. Carina smiles and coos at him. Sometimes she giggles when you play the music. I am really liking the Lamaze toy brand so far.
6. Bumbo Baby Seat
Carina has pretty good head control so we've been putting her in the Bumbo for a few minutes every day and while we experienced a rocky start, she really likes it now. Every morning M puts her in it and reads to her from our Disney Princess story book. Since the Bumbo can accommodate babies up to 22 lbs., we'll be able to use it for quite some time!
7. Baby Jogger 2011 City Mini
This stroller rocks my socks, seriously. I am so happy we bought it. You pull a little strap and it folds up (I made a video of the 'quick-fold' technology if you'd like to see it). It unfolds almost as easily. I can do either while holding Carina or her car seat in the other hand. We've been using the car seat adapter with it, but will be taking it off this weekend since the 2011 Model fully reclines! We wanted to wait to take her out of her cozy car seat until it was a little bit warmer out. I hope Carina enjoys sitting in it without the car seat. The sunshade is huge and has a little window in it so it's super easy to check on your little one.
8. Bath Temperature Tester
Another $4 miracle. I pop this in her tub as I start filling it with water. I could never get the temperature right without this little thingy. It tells you if the water is COLD, IDEAL, or HOT. It seriously can't get any easier than this!
9. Baby Einstein: Lullaby Classics CD
M is a bit of a classical music snob, so I knew that getting anything other than classical music for lullabies wasn't going to fly. My sister gave me this and I love it! It has quite a few of my favorite classical pieces (including Pachelbel's Canon in D), "baby-fied", if that makes sense. We play it whenever we are in the car. If Carina starts crying, I have found that turning it up a little bit usually makes her stop. You can listen to the tracks on Amazon.
10. Medela PersonalFit Breastshields (21mm)
What were/are your favorite things for your 3 month old?

11 words of geekdom:
I love when you do these reviews! Thanks!
Oh, and I totally didn't know about the different sizes of the breastsheilds! I'm pretty sure I've been using the wrong size the whole time now. Thanks for the tip! :)
Me too! It helps me with my list of things I would like to get:)
I have those bottles! But we took out the second plastic part in the nipple after the first bottle. The last of the bottle would fill up in the nipple and stay there. Calvin had trouble getting it out and would just quit. It was frustrating for both Calvin & Rick. Bottle go MUCH better now with just the regular nipple now.
Our little one is now 22m old. She enjoyed the Bumbo at 3 months, but I think she actually likes it more now that she's too big for it...She carries it around, sits in it, gets stuck, asks for help to get out and then sits right beck down. It's good fun for all. Like the blog found it from the Hop.
Geeks are my favorite people! Nice to meet you on the Tail Spin hop!
Your blog is way to cute!!!
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I don't remember being as the baby is turning 7 years old this month lol
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Hi, I found you on the Boost My Blog Friday hop and now I'm a new follower. If you get a chance hop over and say HI at http://www.wedemeyerfamily.blogspot.com/
My BFF wears her Moby all the time and LOVES it!
I was hoping to purchase one of the oral care bunny after reading your review and wowza the shipping is $9.99?!?! Did you get it from there or were you able to find them in "real" stores? I am thinking that I should start cleaning LO's gums. :) Thanks!
@Mrs.H - yikes! I think I got mine from diapers.com but I would check to see if BRU or Target has them
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