Saturday, November 19, 2011

This is really happening


5 years and 3 months in the making

It's okay. It's mostly like reading German for me, too.

This is M's thesis, which he turned in to his committee on Thursday evening. Lots of drinking ensued. He still has some more work to do before his defense on Tuesday, but nothing like the 18+ hours a day he was putting in before.

After his defense, he'll still have to do some revisions before submitting it, but he will be essentially done. On Tuesday, November 29th, Carina and I will board a plane to Philly! We'll be staying with M's parents for a couple days, while M drives the car with the cats and tries to maintain his sanity. I'm hoping that there won't be a chorus of frantic "meows" all the way from Wisconsin to Pennsylvania. Anyone have any advice on sedating pets? :)

Then, we'll drive up to New Haven on December 1st so M can start his new job, but unfortunately we won't be able to move in to our new apartment quite yet. It won't be ready until the 5th, so we'll be staying in a hotel. I'm actually looking forward to this - it will give me a chance to explore the area a little bit, pick out some furniture, and set up appointments for cable/internet without having to worry about unpacking at the same time.

I'm finally starting to look forward to all of these changes, instead of getting anxious when I think about them. We are almost there!


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