I get some pretty intense pregnancy cravings and usually nothing can make them go away until my belleh is full. A couple days ago was no different. Onion Rings popped into my head and I
had to have them. There was no stopping me.
Amazing Onion Rings -
Printable version!
1 large onion
1 1/4 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 egg
3/4 to 1 cup milk
1 cup bread crumbs
oil for frying
Ingredients: the metal canister is flour |
Heat the oil in your deep fryer to 365 degrees as you prepare the onion rings. Cut the onion into 1/4 inch slices.
Slicing the onion |
Separate the slices into rings.
Rings! |
In a bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, and salt.
Flour mixture |
Dip the onion slices into the flour mixture until they are well coated, and then set them aside.
Coating with flour mixture |
Whisk the egg and milk (slowly - you might not need a full cup) into the flour mixture until the batter is smooth, but don't let it get too drippy. You want it to be able to coat the rings well.
Egg and milk in flour mixture |
Dip the floured rings into the batter to coat.
Coating rings with batter |
Place the battered onion rings on a wire rack. I put my rack in the sink so all of the excess batter just drips into the sink. Makes for easy clean up.
Dripping off the excess batter |
Spread the bread crumbs on a plate. I prefer to use unseasoned bread crumbs, but we only had Italian Style this time around. The onion rings will taste fine either way. When the batter has finished dripping, place rings in the bread crumbs and coat them well.
Getting all breaded up |
Since the rings aren't sticky, you can pile them up in the deep fryer basket (like below). Fry for about 2 minutes, and voila! NOM.
Fryer time! |
Enjoy. Hopefully you won't realize you ran out of ketchup right before finishing these, like I did. I dug through drawers for 10 minutes until I found 5 rather dilapidated looking packets of ketchup. I don't even want to know how old they were.
Perfection |

This recipe makes a lot of onion rings. The picture above is one of about 6-7 batches. If you're pregnant and hungry (like me), it might only be one serving, though ;)
Since you need quite a bit of oil for this, I always recycle mine. I put a coffee filter inside
a funnel in the opening of an empty vegetable oil container. The oil filters through (sans breadcrumbs and gunk) and you can use it again and again.
Recipe adapted from
This is just the first of my pregnancy cravings recipes. Stay tuned: I will share my to-die-for Mozzarella Sticks and Oreo Truffle recipes in the near future.
2 words of geekdom:
That is a great recipe. I have never made them that way...& they dont turn out as good as yours look. I will have to try your recipe next time I need onion rings, which might be soon!
I'm not even pregnant but now I'm craving.
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