Like many toddlers, Carina likes to play with a lot of things that aren't actually toys. Sometimes this can be a problem - like when she grabs the scissors from me and runs away or tries to stick things in the toilet, but other times? It's great. She can entertain herself for half an hour with an empty box of pasta or in this case... BlogHer business cards.
Since I already scanned/filed away all of the contact info on them, I don't really need them anymore. She found the pile on our end table, stole most of it, and exclaimed, "cards!" as she made haste for her bead table (below).
Taking a peek at all the cards |
Sticking them in the little slots |
Shoving them in the little doors |
You want this one, Mommy? |
This one's my favorite! |
She has been playing with them for days now. So, to everyone I met at BlogHer who gave me a business card? Thanks for keeping my baby busy ;)
What non-toy things does your little one like to play with?

This week's Toddle Along Tuesday co-host is Jessica from Chaos & Love and the topic is Unconventional Toys! What non-toy items does your little one enjoy playing with? There are no rules here, except that you link up a relevant post (old or new) rather than your whole blog (or business, #comeonnow).
Next week's topic is vacations! Where did you go this summer? Show off some pics and tell us what you did!
If you like advance notice for TAT, check out the bottom right of my blog - topics for the next couple months are listed. Would you like to submit a topic idea and/or volunteer to co-host one week? E-mail me!
Next week's topic is vacations! Where did you go this summer? Show off some pics and tell us what you did!
If you like advance notice for TAT, check out the bottom right of my blog - topics for the next couple months are listed. Would you like to submit a topic idea and/or volunteer to co-host one week? E-mail me!