1. Personalized Hand Stamped Snowflake Ornament from Kristine's Keepsakes (Etsy). I'd really like to start a tradition of getting one customized family ornament each year.
2. The Betrayal of the Blood Lily by Lauren Willig. This is book #6 in a 10 (and counting) book historical fiction spy/mystery series. It's my guilty pleasure; they are easy reads.
3. The Margo PJ from Majamas. I reviewed a similar pair of these recently and love them so much; I need a long-sleeve pair for the Winter.
4. Cuisinart Programmable Breadmaker. I dream of fresh bread and dough and have NO time to make it all myself these days. Does anyone have one of these? Are they worth it?
5. Camera Strap Cover from PaisleyMaizie (Etsy). It's about time to start getting some accessories for my camera that I got a year ago ::hides:: I love the minky fabric on this one.
6. Opteka DSLR Case. Another desperately needed camera accessory. My current camera case was part of last year's Black Friday deal and it's a giant backpack. Momma needs something a little smaller.
7. Cognac Knee High Boots by Nectar. It doesn't have to be this exact pair, but I would like to venture into the world of riding boots. This {extremely fashion unconscious} Momma has never owned a pair.
8. Sofft Valda Mary Janes. Another pair of shoes I have fallen in love with recently. These will go with anything practically.
9. Empire scoop neck nursing top by Milk Nursingwear. My other Milk Nursingwear top is so comfortable and allows for easy nursing - I would like to expand my wardrobe!
10. My heart's in Massachusetts necklace by Zailove (Etsy). Having lived in Massachusetts for most of my life, this one is self-explanatory :)
What's on your holiday wish list this year?

This week's Toddle Along Tuesday co-host is Maria from Layers of Meaning and the topic is Holiday Wish Lists for yourself! What does Momma want this year? I may or may not be stalking your lists for ideas for myself ;) There are no rules here, except that you link up a relevant post (old or new) rather than your whole blog.
Next week's topic is birth order! Has it affected your kids' personalities, or yours? Is there any truth to that philosophy, in your experience?
If you like advance notice for TAT, check out the bottom right of my blog - topics for the next couple months are listed. Would you like to submit a topic idea and/or volunteer to co-host one week? E-mail me!