How far along? 8 weeks...and I am rocking some killer bloat
Weight gain/loss: Still at 118!
Maternity clothes? Nope, but I am going to need the bella band soon
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep? Sleeping a LOT
Best moment this week? Meeting my ladies at Disney World!
Food cravings: Spaghetti
Gender: Way too early
Belly button in or out? Definitely in
Movement? Way too early
What I miss? Being able to go on fun rides (couldn't do too many at Disney World)
What I'm looking forward to: First ultrasound next week! 6/9!
Weekly wisdom: Today I am pregnant and I love my baby
Milestones: I am two months pregnant today! Also, I puked for the first time on Friday LOL
Here's what baby looks like this week:
More to come about Disney (including pics!) tomorrow.
4 words of geekdom:
Girl, you are getting a baby belly!!!! Looks so cute!!!!!
Wow! Look at your cute belly! You're definitely showing...and so soon!! Adorable!
OMG look at your belly!! You are so cute!
Love your pictures...the bump and from Disney. Good luck at the u/s this week.
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