How far along? 14 weeks
Weight gain/loss: 120, for a total of 2 lbs. gained.
Maternity clothes? I am changing into maternity clothes when I get home from work. I am so much bigger at night than during the day :)
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep? No problems really, I wish I could sleep all the time
Best moment this week? M's mom is here visiting, we're having a great time!
Food cravings: Mozzerella sticks
Gender: I'm thinking it might be a girl
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? YES! Yesterday I felt little flutters for the first time, and it happened twice more today
What I miss? Wine. M and his mom had some with dinner last night and I really wanted some.
What I'm looking forward to: Having my deadline at work be over (August 5th). Things are crazy right now.
Milestones: I can't believe I felt baby already!
Here's what baby looks like this week:
6 words of geekdom:
Yay! I was hoping there'd be a belly pic and weekly update. Looking great, lady! xo
You look great!
Love!! You look amazing!!
I LOVE your bump Moochie! I can't believe you are feeling movement already either!
So happy for you! Glad you are doing well!
Oh my goodness hun...look at that cute belly of yours!!
I spy a super sweet baby bump!
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