How far along? 22 weeks
Weight gain/loss: Still 129 lbs, up 11 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes siree.
Stretch marks? None yet.
Sleep? I am sleeping great, I hope this continues.
Best moment this week? M felt baby move for the first time!
Food cravings: Salad
Gender: Girl
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? Yes, I feel her mostly when I sit in a certain position. It's like a, "Mommy you're restricting my space" kick.
What I miss? Beer
What I'm looking forward to: Our crib should come sometime this week, putting it together will be so much fun.
Milestones: It was really amazing when M felt her for the first time. He got all excited and said "Oh my God" over and over again. So cute :)
Here's what baby looks like this week:
5 words of geekdom:
My little man goes crazy if I lean forward while sitting so I think I smush him.
Also I am SO jealous about the sleep thing! I was never sick so I would rather be sleepy than sick but still it would be great to get even 5 solid hours of sleep!
Aidan has his "gettheheckoff" kicks too. Surprisingly, it doesn't seem to bother him when I lay on my stomach - but he gets all bent out of shape when I lean forward too far.
I came to The Bump after you got your BFP, but I love reading your blog! You have the cutest baby bump!
Thank you, Lady Baker!
She's definitely cute ;)
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