Here is her explanation of what Swagbucks is (I hope it's okay I cut & pasted this, C):
"It's basically a program where you use their search engine and are randomly rewarded with 'swagbucks' which you can then trade in for stuff. I think the consensus is that the $5 Amazon.com giftcard for 450 swagbucks is the best deal.
I basically search a few random terms every few hours until I get swagbucks (usually 7-12 swagbucks per "win"). You can get extra swagbucks for doing surveys and polls. And sometimes they post random codes on Facebook that are good for a few hours.
As a deskmonkey who's on her PC all day anyway, it's really no effort for me and it took me about 2 weeks to get my first $5 Amazon.com giftcard. "
So I jumped on the bandwagon and signed up. My first search, which was "tidy cats coupons" got me 11 swagbucks. LOL. I am hoping they add up fast since I have a feeling there will be quite a few things left on our Amazon.com registry after our baby showers next weekend.
Please tell me that I wasn't the only one who didn't know about this. If you'd like to sign up, the website is Swagbucks.com.
9 words of geekdom:
Never heard of it. Signing up right now!
I also never heard of Swagbucks, and I am the queen of coupons, refunds, rebates, etc. You have me signing up asap!
i know someone who uses it and gets stuff all the time - im going to go try it again - i did the same search as you and got 50 swag bucks!
50?? I'm jealous!
i know - i was expecting the 11 that you got.. or none at all!
i use swagbucks the surveys sometimes piss me off because you answer a ton of questions and then suddenly you dont qualify. ive only had about 3 successful surveys that went all the way through. so that is aggravating. but i just use swagbucks to search and then on fridays they tend to give out more..
Don't feel bad! I didn't either! :(
That's a great idea - thanks for linking it up!! I haven't heard of it...but may just get on that tonight!
I'm going to have to check that out, so, no, you're not the only one who hadn't heard of it. :) Thanks!
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