Then, at about 4 weeks old, she started enjoying the lights, sounds, and moving toys. She would happily sit in it for about 20 minutes while I ate breakfast every morning. Sometimes she would dance (see video below).
My sister came to visit last week and at one point, Carina fell asleep on my shoulder. Amanda took her from me, put her in the bouncer, and turned the vibration on. Carina slept for almost 2 hours. It never occurred to me to put her in the bouncer to sleep, and now it is her favorite place to nap. Actually, it's the only place she'll nap other than on my shoulder or across my boobs - yep, she faceplants on my chest and sleeps there.
So with the help of the bouncer and our swing, we are now on a decent routine. For the most part, she sleeps in her swing from 8 PM until 7 AM with one feed in between. Then during the day, she takes naps pretty regularly in the bouncer. In the morning she usually takes a 1.5-2 hour nap, then a few cat naps, and then another 1.5-2 hour nap in the afternooon.
No complaints here. I just hope that the eventual transition from bouncer and swing to crib will not be impossible. Moms of little ones, where do your babies sleep and nap?
No complaints here. I just hope that the eventual transition from bouncer and swing to crib will not be impossible. Moms of little ones, where do your babies sleep and nap?
3 words of geekdom:
Jack was a bouncer-napper until he was about 4 months old. Same thing with the swing. He slept in his bassinet in our room until 8 weeks, then went into his crib in his room. He only slept overnight in the bouncer one night, because I was frigging exhausted.
We transitioned him to crib naps around 4 months because he was at daycare and they are not allowed to have babies sleep anywhere other than a crib, they have to be flat for SIDS reasons. It took a few months for him to nap happily in the crib, he was definitely only napping in our arms for a few months there.
Now, he naps twice/day, 1.5-2 hours each, and then sleeps great at night. While the bouncer naps are awesome, I don't think its a great idea to have her sleeping in there or the swing at night, I would try to break her of that habit as soon as you can. JMO, of course, she is your child!!! :)
Yay!! So glad you can finally get stuff done while she naps! :)
We had a small rolling bassinet downstairs that he used to nap in and then we eventually transitioned naps to his crib around 2 months old. I swaddled him up until 3 months. Now he sleeps and naps in his crib when he's home with me. I like that I can put him up there, where it is relatively quiet, and I can bop around the house without worrying about waking him up.
He also used to love the vibrations and the bassinet on our pack n play had vibrations so he would nap there too. Swaddling seriously saved my life - it was the only way we could get him to sleep for long stretches when he was littler.
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