"...And Baby Makes Three" was a great temporary name for my blog, but I really wanted something that would apply if/when we have more children, too. While trying to come up with a new name I started with thinking about who M and I really are...
M is an organic chemist, plays the oboe, and slays videogame dragons in his free time. I test computer software, I was on the Math team in high school (and LOVED it), my reading material of choice is historical fiction about Tudor England, and I would rather alphabetize my spice rack than go to the Mall. We are proud to be not cool. And so "Growing Up Geeky" was born. With us for parents, I don't think Carina (or any other children we have) will end up being one of the cool kids in school and honestly, I think that's a good thing.
If you are the button-posting-on-your-blog type person, post my button! I think the geeky looking giraffes would make a fine addition to any blog. Come on, how can you not love the giraffes? ;)

15 words of geekdom:
Love it!
Oh My God!!! I LOVE it!!! The giraffe's are SO perfect for you guys, and the name of course. LOVE it so much!!! :)
Looks GREAT!
LOVE IT!!!!!! I got all nervous when I went to click on your blog in my dashboard and it wasn't there, I had a minor freak out, and then I noticed an unfamiliar title there, and there you were! I really need to put some badges on my blog, I'll add yours if you add mine ;)
I love it!!!
Love the new name and the new look!!
I love your new design! Such a fun idea and giraffes are my favorite.
OMG I love it! AND...Girraffe's are my favorite animal...so I will most definitely be grabbing your buttong :)
LOVE the new design! OH yea - I'm reading The Other Bolyn Girl. Its AWESOME! I'm guessing you've read it?? :)
Love the new blog!!!
Thanks so much, ladies! I'm glad you like it. There are a few kinks here and there I am trying to work out.
@Orla - yes, I loved that one!
I LOVE the new set up!!! So great! I love giraffes!
Just joined picket fence and discovered your blog. And clicked to vote on your blog! It's adorable and I will definitely be back to check it out some more. And I love reading/watching movies about tudor england. Did you ever watch the tudors?
@Shannon - I added your button!
@Tales - Thanks for visiting and voting! Yes, I LOVE the Tudors!
Missie! I thought I lost you when your blog disappeared from my list. Glad you're still blogging. Plan to use all your coupon tips whenever I finally get my LO
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