Many of you may remember that we were planning on
cloth diapering. Unfortunately, most our newborn size diapers didn't fit Carina very well (by the way-if anyone is in the market for barely used Rumparooz Lil' Joeys, BumGenius XS AIO, Thirsties XS AIO, or FuzziBunz XS Pockets let me know), and by the time she was big enough to fit in our one-size cloth diapers, we had to move to an apartment complex that doesn't have in-unit laundry. And it is coin operated. Double whammy. We still plan on cloth diapering once we move in the fall.
In the meantime we've been using disposables. The hospital had Pampers Swaddlers Sensitive Diapers and we liked them, so we stuck with them. When Carina reached 8 lbs. we upgraded to Size 1. Our problems began a few weeks after upgrading. All of a sudden, we started having blow outs constantly. My Mommy friends recommended trying Size 2, even though Carina was only 10 lbs. Again, we were poopsplosion free for a few weeks. Sadly, they started again. Up to Size 3 we went, when Carina was only 12 lbs (the recommended size range for size 3 is 16-28 lbs). And wouldn't you know that after a month the poop nightmare commenced once again.
Moving up to Size 4 would be absolutely ridiculous at this point,

as they are for babies of 22-37 lbs...and Carina is roughly 16 lbs. So we decided to try a different brand. Maybe we should have done this sooner, I don't know why we didn't think to. So we have been using Luvs Diapers for the last two weeks with similar results. They are definitely better than the Pampers, but we still have an occasional blow out. They are much cheaper than the Pampers as well ($0.11 per diaper with Amazon's subscribe & save as opposed to $0.21 per diaper), so we are going to stick with them for now unless we can find something better.
Are we just diaper-challenged? Does anyone else have poop problems? Please, share your stories so I don't feel so alone and oh, recommend your diapers if you like them! Mama G is super sick of poopsplosions. And I'm sure Carina doesn't like swimming in poop, either.
14 words of geekdom:
We liked pampers at first but not anymore. We tried luvs too and had the same results. We have been soo happy with huggies! We were using the little snuggies and little movers but we went to the cheaper ones, regular huggies and have still had great results with 3s, 4s and goodnights. My nephew uses huggies as well but the pure and natural ones.
I would try them out. We are finishing up size 3 now and moving to 4 shortly and lennox is about 20lbs at 11months.
We've had success w/ Target's Up & Up diapers.
Only poop disasters are when she's getting too big for them!
Good luck!
Oh and Huggies were no good for us. Poop everywhere!
We are currently using Luvs and DD blows out at daycare a lot. I'm not sure if this is because it's happening while she's in a jumparoo or exercauser or if they don't get to her quick enough. It doesn't happen as much as home though.
She's in size 3 and they are plenty big enough. She's about 17 lbs at 7 months. The poop usually just goes up her back. We are going to try BJs diapers. They had some extra at daycare and they seem to be a bit longer in the back, so we're going to give them a go and see what happens.
Huggies little snugglers are FANTASTIC- they have a waistband around the back that keeps (most)poo in.
My local Cloth Diaper shop has stopped carrying Lil Joeys because of all the problems people are having with them.
We are using Weehuggers and Thirsties Duos and loooove them when you get back to CD!
Our favorites are Luvs, Target brand and Walgreens brand. D is roughly 16 lbs too. I found the Huggies were too snug around my girl's chunky thighs.
I'm glad I'm not the only one! I have at least one poop-splosion a day! I'm giving up on seventh generation and switching to earth's best to see if it helps.
We moved into size 4 Huggies when DS was just shy of 16 lbs. I completely disregard the weights listed on the boxes. We are getting ready to give cloth diapering a try soon.
No advice on the disposables, but I am interested in your cloth. I send you an email. :-)
It was years ago but we always used Huggies. Bought them at Costco for a good price and I dont remember having blowouts that often.
I'm surprised to hear all the difficulties you have with the Pampers. We used the swaddlers when The Boy was first born b/c The Texan liked the line that appeared when the diaper was wet. Men! We're now using Seventh Generation and Earth's Best (depending on $$ w/amazon s&s program) - no issues with either brand.
Thanks for linking up with Super Stalker Sunday hop! Hope to see you again next week!
Emily from Nap Time Is My Time
We really like Huggies. They have an elastic waist band around the back. That might help your blowouts.
M, I highly recommend Target brand diapers. We use those for Jack at night because he is such a heavy wetter. We've never had a blowout and he's certainly tried. We're currently in size 1 (he's 13 lbs right now) and we're not yet needing to consider size 2. My only other advice is to make sure the gussets on the inside of the diaper are pulled out and smoothed around her butt when you put your diapers on. Sometimes when we change Jack the gussets are still folded and the are more likely to leak if you leave them folded in. GOOD LUCK! I hope you find something that works.
I do not have any advice on sposie dipes, but keep your newborn CD's for Baby G #2! Everett just outgrew his Fuzzibunz xtra small pockets last week, so they are worth keeping!
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