Carina and me looking at the penguins (my favorite!)
I'm not kidding, this ostrich was trying to eat the chain link fence.
Hanging out in the Baby Jogger City Mini without the car seat & attachment!
This poor peacock was freaking out. The rotten little apple core it was eating kept on rolling close to the fence, and when people were nearby it started squawking and fluffing its feathers. Chill, peacock, we're not going to steal your rotten lunch.
M and Carina
Me and our sleepy baby. The Ergo knocked her right out! Yes, there is an Emu behind us, staring right at you.
Lions! This adorable little lion cub was born just 10 days before Carina! It is amazing to think they are the same age.
After the zoo, we had a relaxing afternoon. Carina went to bed right on time (7!) and M and I enjoyed a glass of wine. He cooked me an amazing dinner of sauteed mussels (appetizer), and angel hair with scallops and shrimp. Dessert was chocolate cake. And oreos. And a fudgesicle. Yeah...I'm a fatty. It was Mother's Day; I think I deserved it :)
M got me a beautiful necklace with Carina's name and birthstone. It hasn't arrived quite yet. I will post pictures when it gets here. Also, we've decided for Mother's Day for me, and Father's Day for M we are going to get a DSLR camera! We'll be camera shopping in the next couple weeks. Can't wait!

9 words of geekdom:
Do you like your Ergo? I can't decide it between an Ergo or a MeiTai!
We also started T in his stroller without the carseat and he is SO much happier that way! He loves looking around!!
So glad you had a great 1st Mother's Day!! Carina is such a doll!
Love these pics! And SCORE on getting a new camera!!
@Samantha - we LOVE the Ergo!
Glad you had such an awesome Mother's day!!! Carina is adorable- I can see why you are so proud of her! :)
It sounds like you had a great first Mother's Day! I am totally jealous you are getting a digital SLR! That is going to be our next big purchase! :)
A late congrats on your baby! Looks like you guys had a great time!
Following from SSS, If you get a chance, I hope you'll come say hello. You can find me at
Ahh! What a fun Mother's Day!
Hey. Just dropping in from the blog hop. Would love to have you drop by. Following you now. :)
Sounds like a great day!!! Good move on the DSLR camera too. We just bought the new Canon T3i!!!
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