Mommy is in a state of disbelief. 6 months ago you were a tiny little peanut with funny crossed-eyes and a cone shaped head. Today you are curious, active, vocal, and oh so beautiful. Mommy and Daddy feel so lucky and blessed to be able to spend our days watching and helping you grow.
Weight & height: Roughly 17.5 lbs. and 26 in. I will update with official stats after your doctor's appointment tomorrow. You are still in size 3 diapers, and surprisingly we have been having fewer blowouts. Luvs, I think I may have judged you prematurely. Your 6-9 Month size outfits are quickly becoming a bit tight, as are some of your 9 Month sizes. How is this possible? You just turned 6 months. Either baby sizes are way off, or you are quite the little chunk. I'm going to go with the former ;)
Eyes & hair: Your eyes are getting darker and darker as your hair seems to be getting lighter and lighter. Daddy thinks you are going to be a little brown haired brown eyed Italiana, but I just don't know, seeing as how in a few new pics your hair looks slightly blonde. I am so happy it has started to come back in. You're no longer my bald bald baby.
Milestones: You enjoyed - and I use the term "enjoyed" loosely - your first solid foods! We have learned that peas are not your favorite. They either end up on your chin, your bib, or around the room (projectile-style). Your favorite food is currently your Daddy's finger; you just can't seem to get enough. You've rolled over from belly to back once, and are sitting for longer periods unassisted before you face plant.
Loves: Standing and bouncing! You would stay in the Jumperoo
Hates: Your old archnemesis, tummy time. You and tummy time are never going to be friends, are you? We don't think you like peas, either. Hopefully you will like butternut squash and/or carrots better when we try them this weekend.
So pretty in her romper from her Mimi (Grandma) |
I can almost sit up by myself! |
I am going to be so sad when these chubby thighs go away |
Don't try to resist my pout |
This piece of paper is more fun than posing for pictures |
Face plant |

13 words of geekdom:
Happy 1/2 Birthday, Carina!
LOL, the best photo is the last one when the paper is all squashed.
Such a big girl already!! How in the world is she 6 months?! You JUST had her!! I can see some of you in the last pic of her :)
@mestills - LOL and covered with drool. Do you see that giant wet spot next to the flag?
I love her. Fall can not come soon enough, I tell you! <3
So precious, Melissa. We need to speed out to WI to see Carina before she grows up in front of us :(
LOL! What a cute smile!!
Hahaha my Cupcake is way more interested in the piece of paper than posing also! Your little girl looks adorable! I especially love the last picture - adorable smile, crumpled paper. :o)
Happy half birthday, pretty girl!!
Good afternoon! Fellow bumpee stopping by. Happy 6 months to Carina! Cute rombers and pictures too. :) Also, I LOVE baby thighs and will be very sad also when Drew's go away.
Too cute! Love the face plant, I seem to have the same outcome during monthly photos as well!
Happy 6 months!! Very cute pics!
Oh so cute, our little tries to eat it all too! I love those thighs- baby cellulite is so wonderful! :)
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