I have the Nanny text me updates about how Carina is doing during the day. I know what you're thinking...that I'm an awful neglectful Mommy. The truth is, I'm afraid to speak to her on the phone because if I happened to hear Carina squealing (she has been exercising her voice a lot lately!) or crying I think I would lose it. I probably wouldn't be able to focus for the rest of the day. I'm having difficulty in that department enough, as it is.
On my way home from work I find myself tailgating slowpokes and cursing the heartless traffic lights as they turn red when I approach them. Every minute I sit in traffic is a minute lost with my little peanut. I get anxious while turning into the driveway at home and then
I can't help but feel a little crazy. Is this normal? Have I lost it? Just so this post isn't a complete downer...here is what I have to look forward to when I get home :)
I found my toes! |

13 words of geekdom:
You are definitely not crazy! I do the same thing, and I have a 45 minute commute each way. Drives me absolutely insane!
I know that it's so tough to be back at work, but you are doing a great job. And at home, peanut reaches for you every chance she gets (especially at night). Two months of this babe and you are home with her all the time :) You can do it!
I always had mixed feelings too. It always made me appreciate the time I do spend with him more though. =) It got easier (never easy, but easier) for me, I hope it does for you too!
Doesn't it seem like everyone drives slow on days you really miss your kid?? I got a new job a few months after I went back to work because I was wasting 2 hours in the car every day! The new job is much closer to home/daycare, which has helped me a lot. Hang in there; I know it's hard.
Feeling crazy comes hand in hand with being a momma ha! Good luck with being back to work!:)
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uhm..not horrible at all, but if you're horrible, i'm waaaay past that point. i called the sitter the first day i was back to work (after 12 weeks maternity). i heard zoey screaming in the background and refused to call ever since (5 months later). :\
Aww hun, IT GETS EASIER! Trust me... it does. =) Hang in there!
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This is exactly how I felt during my first week back to work. I'm on week three now, and I can't lie I'm still doing the same thing!
You're doing great! It does get easier, trust me! And luckily for you, you only have to do it for 2 months and then you get to stay home with her (way jealous!!). Hang in there :)
I want to commiserate because I feel the same way. I'm on week four of work now and I obsessively text my husband to send me a photo of her as soon as he picks up our 5-month-old from daycare. I feel like a piece of me is missing when I'm away from her.
I'm right there with you. This is my second week back to work! I like my job and what I do, but I HATE being away from my son. And traffic is awful when all I want is to rush home to him.
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