You might remember how crazy our freezer looks since I started producing milk like a cow. I've managed to cut out one pumping session per day so I'm no longer socking it away quite like I was before, but since Carina isn't taking to bottles all that well the stash is still growing. Prior to just a couple weeks ago, we couldn't fit anything else in the freezer at all.
I'd rather eat this orange stuff, Mom! |
I saw one request from a woman in my town who can no longer breastfeed her baby boy because she is undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments for advanced stage cancer. Reading her story made me start to tear up and I clicked "Message" almost instantly. After a few exchanges in which I assured her that I don't smoke crack or stuff my face with McDonald's daily (donations are made on the honor system), she came to pick up 300 ounces of breastmilk.
I felt so fantastic being able to give her my milk, but was - and still am - so sad for her situation. I only hope that her treatments go well and that she will be able to relactate soon, as she hopes.
Have you donated breast milk before? And/or do you plan on it in the future? If you have extra milk just chillin (ha!) in the freezer, take a peek at the Human Milk For Human Babies page for your state and do some good if you can.
P.S. After the milk was gone, I crammed our freezer full of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream. Definitely a win-win situation :)

21 words of geekdom:
That is really awesome.
I love that you did this! And I didn't know milk banks sell your milk?? I can't say that I like that at all. I would totally donate my milk, if I had the oversupply that you do.
YAY for donating milk! Doesn't it feel so great?! I've donated approx. 98403948oz of milk, since C refuses anything but the fresh stuff ;)
It's so nice to know it goes to a much needed place!
I'm glad you went for it! I loved donating too.
I donated after we discovered Conor's intolerances, and my milk had either dairy or soy or wheat, etc. Doesn't it feel so good!?!
That is so awesome! I'm stockpiling now, hoping that Logan will use it all eventually (and maybe I can stop pumping 4 times a day at work a bit before we hit the one year mark) but would love to do something like that for someone who needs it I have some left over. I'm bookmarking the site just in case!
Wow. That is so wonderful. I wish I would have stockpiled a little before I stopped nursing. The few ounces that I had, I used them for when she was sick and that magic potion worked wonders. It's amazing what breastmilk can do for a little one!
Sweet Serendipity
Her story breaks me heart. :( I'm so glad you were able to donate and help her out. I'm sure it took at least a bit of the stress off her shoulders. Voted for you!
I love that you would be willing to do this! What a blessing you were for that other mom! You've been voted for! As soon I publish my comment. :)
that's so awesome!! i hate pumping so much that i never really stockpiled. i think at most i had 28 oz in my freezer and now i'm down to 8 oz. when that is gone he'll have to deal! no more bottles when mommy is gone!
You are an amazing person for donating your breast milk! Kudos to you! :)
I always wanted to donate my milk, but having two mouths to feed has left me worrying that our stocked freezer may, someday not be enough. I don't know you outside of your blog, but I'm really proud of your selfless act. Some might not think it is much, but it really really is an awesome thing you did. my prayers turn towards that momma. i'm hoping she can pull through and kick the hell outta that nasty cancer.
That's amazing M!! That is SO selfless and generous and you really helped a baby and mama in need. I am sure she appreciates that more than you will ever know. I bet that relieves some stress from her as well. Proud of you!!
Just another "yippie" from me for doing such an awesome thing as donating all that milk. Except after reading that all I want now is ice cream :)
So glad you don't smoke crack and you were able to donate your milk to a family who needed it. If had a stash like yours I'd donate it too. Thanks for being "a cow" and now i wish i had mint chocolate chip ice cream right now!!!
You are awesome. I wish I had milk to donate, but I think my teeny Livy needs it all at this point. But it's helping me lose weight so maybe I'll just keep pumping and donate even after she's finished. :)
You and your milk stash GO momma!
Yay for donating! When I switched Torin to formula because breastfeeding wasn't working out for us anymore, I looked into HM4HB too. I found a woman who had adopted a baby boy and wanted breastmilk for him, so I was able to donate the 300-400 oz I had in my freezer. It did feel really good!!
agreed-- YEAH for donating!
(and being able to! I made milk but only exactly enough for my boys. never extra to pump)
That stuff really is magic. When I was nursing we used it for cuts and scrapes and sore ears and everything else... Sounds a little weird but it really does work. Anyway, LOVE the fact that you're donating your surplus. You're probably doing more good than any of us realize!
What a gift! Way to go, mama!
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