They seemed harmless enough, but I wasn't about to go clicking to find out what they were. Then, a few days later, I saw this:

Uhhhh...what? I was instantly disgusted as I jumped to the conclusion that some pervs out there must be getting their jollies by cruising my bare belly pregnancy pics. Then, a lump formed in the pit of my stomach when I considered that maybe these visitors weren't looking at pictures of me, but pictures of Carina. Vomit. Literally; I had to swallow vomit as it welled up in my throat.
I spent the better part of the next 4 hours trying to figure out what these sites were without actually visiting them. Detective Google tells me that they are based in Russia and the Ukraine and that most of them are porn. Lovely. I know I could have just gone to the websites and looked around until I found pictures of me ::deep breath:: or Carina, but I just don't have the stomach for that.
So I told my good friend Kristin over at Our Growing Garden about my new found fame at perv central and she exclaimed, "OMG I've been getting hits like that, too!" That's when I realized that Kristin and I must be in some sort of sick and twisted MILF competition. After the initial revulsion, my next thought was "I bet she's winning." Oh vanity, thy name is Mama G.
I turned to detective Google again to see if anyone else had been getting hits like this, and I found that it is actually very common; it's called referrer spam. It basically involves making repeated automated visits to a website/blog using a fake URL that points to the site the spammer wants to advertise. This gives the spammer's site improved search engine ranking and additional hits - because many people will click on those pesky links to see where they lead.
Hmmm...given the recent prevalence of this referrer spam (according to various other blogs and websites out there), I am going to assume that that is what's going on with my blog stats, and that there isn't a naughty MILF beauty pageant going on in Russia that includes me and Kristin.
Has anyone else fell victim to this obnoxious referrer spam?

14 words of geekdom:
That's a scary thought! I hope your new revelation is true!!
Spooky. Hopefully the prize is vodka.
*runs to google analytics* i'm going to go check now! no fun at all!
I probably wasn't supposed to find this funny, but omg, a MILF beauty pageant between you and Kristin is hysterical! (So glad it turned out to be spam, though... yikes!)
Hehehe I'm glad you figured it out! I don't think I was quite as worried about the child looking attage as much bc I have a son. But with a daughter, it probably would have alarmed me more. Eww. Anyway, they still suck and should DIAF.
Wow, I guess I have to check this out my self. I never thought that was possible.
New follower, hope you follow back.
I've had weird stuff like that too! Creepy thoughts. :( On a lighter note, I'm a new follower.
I mentioned the word 'lingerie' once, it got me some pretty creepy links.
No, not yet! But I just started my blog. I am definitely going to keep an eye on that, not that it makes a difference I guess. But it'll be interesting to see.
Omg that's so funny & sick at the same time. I haven't gotten anything like that on any of my blogs but at least now I won't be completely freaking out if I do! That's crazy!
I see these types of sites all the time. I never click on them.
Add me to your club! My maiden name starts with a "G," maybe that's why?!
yup, i have a few referrer sites that end in .ru. lovely.
I get these sites linked to me as well. Very odd.
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