Is it me, or does my smirk say "holy crap, what did we get ourselves into"? |
How far along? 5 weeks
Weight gain/loss: I had just gotten back to me pre-pregnancy weight right before I got pregnant: 118. And no weight gain yet.
Maternity clothes? ::sigh:: I broke out my maternity sweatpants. My regular jeans were just not comfortable anymore.
Stretch marks? I didn't get any with Carina, fingers crossed I can be that lucky again.
Sleep? Sleeping like a rock! Trying to get to bed earlier; so far it's not happening.
Best moment this week? Stuffing my face full of these. Food is so awesome.
Food cravings: Ice cream.
Gender: Who knows!
Belly button in or out? It never stuck out last time, so again, hoping to repeat!
Movement? Lots! If you count gas pains ;)
What I miss? Wine
What I'm looking forward to: My parents are coming to visit this weekend!
Weekly wisdom: Moms of 2 under 2 are superheros...I can do it, too! Ha, I hope.
Milestones: Baby's heart should start to beat this week
Check out my belly pic from last time! I am cracking up at how I thought my abdomen had "ballooned out". I wish me-then could see me-now. I think I'd blow my mind.
Fellow pregnant Mommas out there, got any cravings?

15 words of geekdom:
Lookin' good mama! And YES, i believe you can handle 2 under 2! You are an awesome supermom already!
You look adorns. And yes, if I don't get some fried pickles and ranch today, I might murder someone.
Adorns = aborbs. Thanks autocorrect.
Congrats!!!!! So excited for you! BTW this is Bunniehug from TB. I stalk your blog every now and then and this post made me so happy :) Started following you on Facebook so I can live viciously through your pregnancy :) Congrats again! Carina is going to be a fabulous big sister!
OH MY GOSH, congrats!!! I hadn't checked my blogs in a few days, and this was the first post I saw. :-) Super excited for you!
Bunnie!!!! Hi!! So good to see you! Thank you so much :)
Cutie!! :)
You look adorable! Look at that wee bump! :)
Look at that wee bump! You show very quick the second time around. And if you go for a third...its like the instant you find out, you have a bump! haha
I am a Mom of 2 under 2 and you can do it!
Oh my goodness! I hadn't read through my regular blogs this week, and I just clicked on this. Congratulations! That's so amazing.
Love it! & wow on the comparison pic. So strange how that happens! Lookin good momma!!
That is some BLOAT! Hope you're feeling great so far, this is such an exciting time. I have two WAY under two (14 months apart). It's not always easy but it is always doable. And at the end of the day, I have never wished for anything else!
You look adorable!! Yah!!
I think you pop quicker after the first pregnancy. I gained less weight with pregnancy number 2 and 3, but was showing much quicker. Carina will have you running and I am betting that will be the case with you too. Congratulations again! Looking good!
I just wanted to say Congrats!!! You defintely won't remember me but I was on TTGP from TB while you were there waiting for Carina :) I am so excited you are expecting #2!!
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