Without coming back to some sort of disaster.
Wrists deep in cat litter? Yep, she's done that.
Fishing her dirty cloth diapers out of the diaper pail? Her new favorite challenge.
Trying to climb into the toilet? She's attempted it.
Pulling each and every DVD out of the media stand? She likes to do this as often as possible.
I hear you saying "No, no, no" Mom, but I'm too cute to care |
More! |
Mmmm...plastic |
Must...get...them ALL on floor |
Hmm...kinda looks like Dada |
Wanna watch this one? |
I don't dare try to put them back in the media stand while she is doing this, because it's futile. She'll stare at me as if to say, "excuse me?" and then proceed to take them all out again. But this time, she will look me straight in the eye as she drops each one on the floor, daring me to attempt to stop her.
What has your baby gotten into lately?
17 words of geekdom:
Dumpster diving is the newest hobby around our house. What. A. Disaster. Thankfully, she hasn't discovered the cat boxes yet!
Sometimes I think they know what they're not supposed to have or get in to. I will tell Colson 'no' and he will look at me, smile, and then b-line it to whatever he was going to...with us, it's usually the kitchen. Little stinkers!
Haha! Ryan does the same move where he looks you dead in the eyes and drops things on the floor. It always feels like a stand-off.
James loves to "clean his ears" and them throw the qtip away. Like 50 of them.
Evan's newest fascination is with his sock drawer. It's apparently loads of fun to take out every pair of socks and spread them around the room...
Oh, and the pretty blue light on the cable box - you know, the one that turns everything off. It's the best. :)
All of our clothing dirty or clean can be found scattered throughout this place...I'm not even sure how she gets at it most of the time. Also, the trash in the kitchen. G thinks that is a place to put everything. WHY?!
I was having a conversation with Oliver's grandma telling her that she needs to watch him closely at all times because he gets into everything. While she was standing there defending herself that she watches him all the time VERY closely, Oliver walked past her to the bathroom. I asked her to grab him, but she ignored me and let him make his way into the bathroom. I jumped up to get him and found him fishing in the toilet bowl water. His shirt was soaked up to his elbows!
Evie rips all of our DVDs off of the shelves too...
And she likes to pull her clothes out of the hamper and try to dress herself. It's hard to be upset about the mess when it's so funny to watch her walk around with a shirt on so that you can just see her face through the head hole, and the sleeves coming out of the top of her head and the bottom of her chin. lol!!
We had a 8 foot wall that was all movies and CDs that were alphabetized... That is until our son grew old enough to take as many as he could reach off the shelves. It will pass. We boxed ours up and replaced them with baby toys.
Abbie loves to push the button on the cable box on and off. Then she looks me directly in the eyes and shakes her head "no" in recognition that she should not be doing it. She also enjoys playing in the dog's water dish.
Haha my girl has hit this milestone too! Lol her room is a disaster and now we have to go around each night before bed and clean. Btw I love that she thinks dada is Harold! I say let her do it as much as she wants to Bc she will get bored of it faster. Plus its free "toys". Lol
Btw her hair is so long now! So cute
Aaw, she's so cute though..lol
My son, now 3 still pulls all his books off the shelf, I don't get it, I have failed trying to tell him no.. :)
Found you over at sat. laughs blog hop, hope to see you come by http://daytodaymoments.blogspot.com ;)
OMG, Alexa's always pulling things down. She's pulled out our DVDs, but luckily they're in a closed cabinet, so she can only get to them when H has the cabinet open. Her new favorite thing to do is open the cabinet under the sink in the kitchen (which used to contain all the cleaning supplies, yikes, but now contains Tupperware) and yank all the storage containers out.
Haha- I can so relate. Zane goes to Hayley's game draw and begins to take out all his small pieces. I have moved them to another location and he manages to pull himself up and proceed to do the same thing. You can't get mad because they are so cute!!
Little ones are so mischievous! Gotta love it. Too cute BTW!
debnmike moretti
This is a VERY familiar site in our house.
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