How far along? 10 weeks!
Weight gain/loss: 118 lbs. No weight gain yet.
Feeling: Much better! Either eating every hour has made the nausea go away or I have just progressed out of the morning sickness stage. At 10 PM {almost} every night I've been reading. It feels fantastic. It had been way too long since I had read for fun.
Maternity clothes? I am rocking my Old Navy maternity jeans every day and I couldn't be happier.
Sleep: It *would* be just fine except Carina has been waking up 1-2 times per night lately. Some mornings I'm a zombie.
Food cravings: Bagels with cream cheese and my Mom's famous Apple Crisp.
Movement? Nothing yet.
What I miss? Bailey's. Amaretto. Just booze in general.
Best moment this week: Seeing baby geek #2 again (see below).
What I'm looking forward to: My niece's 2nd birthday party in Massachusetts next weekend!
Milestones: Baby is now wiggling and moving around in there. We could even see it during the ultrasound. Amazing.
Oh hai! |

8 words of geekdom:
You are adorable...and so is that 'lil bebe! Yay for 10 weeks!
You're almost through the first trimester! Yay!
Yay 10 weeks! I totally emphasize with missing alcohol - I never crave it as much as I do when I'm pregnant...
How exciting! Glad to hear you're feeling better!
Aww, what a cute baby bump!!
Lookin' great momma! And your little one is so cute already!!!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you and your growing family!
Thank you so much, everyone!
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