I will not hang around in pajamas or sweat pants all day.
I will be sure to put makeup on and do my hair every day.
I will never let myself go.
Now, I'm not saying I think I've let myself go, but there certainly are days where I realize it's 11 AM and that smell isn't the baby, it's that I forgot to put on deodorant. Or it's 2 PM and I'm still in my pajamas. Or oh goodness it's 6 PM and M just got home from work and a brush never made it through my hair all day.
I hate these days. They make me feel like I'm letting my{old}self down. I don't want to let them get to me, but they do. I feel like all the other Moms I see out there are so fashionable and put together. And here I sit in my giant pregnant sweat pants and maternity shirt I last wore when I was still recovering from labor. Maybe it's time for a makeover or something...
Yep, wearing this shirt as I type |
There have got to be some other sort of frumpy Moms out there, too? And/or could someone point me in the direction of some stylish maternity clothes?

17 words of geekdom:
At 8 weeks pregnant, you are allowed to look like shit. You're raising a toddler and trying not to toss your guts all day long. Stylish maternity clothes don't exist. It's an oxymoron. I've been buying a size ip in normal clothes and making them maternity. I just make sure it's something that flatters my belleh and ever growing bosom. Accessories can dress up a plain maternity tee-scarves, boots, maternity skinny jeans. I just went insane in Sephora last week and it was a great pick me up and I'm getting my hair done Saturday. Remember, this first trimester misery does end and you will feel better soon!
I think I'm a frumpy mom already, and LO isn't even here yet. Occasionally there are days where I stay in my pajamas all day, and then just climb right back into bed at night. So sad. Sometimes I put on a pair of jeans before DH gets home so he won't think I've been bumming in my pjs all day.
I, too, am guilty of the frumpy mom syndrome. There are some days I stay in my pj's. I hate to admit this...buy sadly it's a bonus if I even manage to get a bra on some days. But then there are other days where I over do it for no reason--shower, make-up, I actually do my hair, I put on 'normal' clothes. I think it is normal when you're a SAHM to wear the comfy clothes. But those days where we do get 'ready'...they make us feel like a human! :o)
I make sure Mackenzie is dressed and put together every morning. My goal on days we are staying in is to do something with my hair and if it's a non shower day during her first nap change into a new pair of sweats or pjs. I have started brushing my teeth the minute I wake up, so at least my breath is clean. :)
I figure I'm allowed to be in sweats if I'm at home....I'm spending a good part of my day on the floor playing with my kid.....that's not comfortable in jeans.
Maybe make a hair appointment or take a morning alone to get a pedi or mani. That might make you feel better too.
"I feel like all the other Moms I see out there are so fashionable and put together." - I'm sure those Moms worked extra hard that day to look put together for whatever reason :) I wouldn't worry, you're totally cute!
I feel frumpy, too. I'm sure there are cute maternity clothes out there, but I can't justify buying them, so I make do with leftovers from my first pregnancy and some new duds from Target, etc. I agree that accessories can help. Things like scarves can add pops of color. However, I'm lucky to even look in the mirror before I leave the house every day. Getting a toddler out the door is my priority. I've sort of just resigned myself to the way things are for right now. I do make sure I at least shower almost every morning. That helps a lot!(I get up before Shelby to make it happen.)
Lululemon yoga sweats are a staple in my wardrobe. Actually, who am I kidding...when I'm home, they ARE my wardrobe! Hubby approves though, and they aren't big, baggy sweats....so I don't feel like a total bum!
The first thing I do when I come home is yoga pants and a t-shirt. I don't wear makeup now, and I can sometimes be the definitive frump!
And I don't even have kids yet, just the one in my belly!
Me too! My hair and eyebrows are always a mess, and none of my bras fit properly. It's a problem.
I'm 34 weeks and most days if I'm just sitting around the house it's take a shower and put on a fresh pair of PJs. If I'm going out in public though I make myself, even when I don't feel like it to dress nicely and do my hair and makeup. I'll bitch to my SO the whole time but then I feel so much better about myself afterward. The girls at Motherhood Maternity are awesome with helping me pick pieces that have lasted my whole pregnancy and even made me do a fashion show when I had to buy an evening dress for a Christmas event. The clothes are reasonably priced and it's amazing how good a great outfit can make you feel about yourself! No matter how you end the day looking, you are still the most beautiful, wonderful person in the world to Carina & M <3
I can completely relate, but don't beat yourself up about it, you look great and have an amazing family!
I'm sitting here in my standard house outfit (meaning I wear it whenever I'm in the house. I only change into "real clothes" if I have to be seen by someone else). Pregnant or not, baby or not, if I'm at home I am wearing some comfy sweats, an old teeshirt, and a fuzzy sweater ;) I try to brush my teeth, wash my face and put on some tinted moisturizer and powder, and tame my hair into a ponytail each day. But when Nathan is teething and won't let me do anything, sometimes those things don't get done at all. And I'm mostly fine with that ;)
Hey, if I had the option to wear sweatpants all day, I would on a lot of days! I mean, if it makes you feel better to look nice for yourself when you're spending the day at home, by all means go for it... but you've spent years having to get dressed for work and it sounds like you plan to again after a few years. I say enjoy the complete wardrobe freedom while you can!
My lord! How I sooo relate to this! Before Leah was born I promised myself at the very least, I'd take a shower and put on a little make up. Just make myself a little presentable. Now...yeah... Those showers aren't every day and make up? Does chapstick count? I need to get out of this funk! If I can find the time to do multiple wardrobe changed on the baby... I can throw on a new shirt and some lip gloss.
Being frumpy certainly isn't helping the insecurities I have with "body after baby".
I'm giving my PJs the side-eye right now lol. The baby loves you, the DH loves you, the kittehs love you, and Baby G 2.0 is going to love you no matter what. You'll get your groove back in time, but for now, be comfortable and secure in knowing that there are a lot of people out there who think you're beautiful no matter what.
GUILTY of the frumpy mom syndrome! My tips....... I always brush my teeth in the morning and wash my face. I leave the frumpy pants on, but change my underwear and toss on a new shirt. Makeup and hair does are overrated. My toddler doesn't care what i look like as long as he is fed and happy. Sometimes to look put together i put on some mascara, and little tinted lip balm and a little blush (to give me color). It really works!
I am pretty frumpy right now as well, but my excuse is that I have 2 kids under 3 and I am not where I want to be physically yet. When I am back in shape, I will buy nice clothes. For now, I will take clean and dressed over anything, even if I am wearing maternity clothes 4 months post-partum! I think as long as you know it's not what you want you will be able to make the change when the time is right. When I think of someone who has let themselves go I don't consider those with young children but rather with school age who just don't put in any effort. You are in survival mode right now!
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