I might actually be smaller than last week? |
How far along? 7 weeks (and 2 days) - I'm late because I could barely move the last two days :)
Weight gain/loss: 117 lbs. I lost a pound because I basically didn't eat for 24 hours.
Maternity clothes? I am wearing maternity tops. They nice accommodate my ever expanding belly. It starts with just a tiny bit of bloat but then grows and grows throughout the day...
Stretch marks? Nada.
Sleep? I think I would sleep 10 hours a night if Carina would let me.
Best moment this week? Our friends came to visit and we had a great time!
Food cravings: I would kill for McDonald's french fries right now. I've wanted them for a few weeks and still haven't had them...
Gender: I'm guessing boy, just for fun.
Belly button in or out? In to stay, probably.
Movement? Does gas count?
What I miss? Being able to get on the ground and horse around with Carina. I've just been too sick and tired.
What I'm looking forward to: My OB said they are going to try to get me in for an ultrasound next week!
Weekly wisdom: It can't get any worse..it just can't.
Milestones: Baby is starting to look like a human being, rather than a tadpole.
My 7 week photo from last time! ::giggle:: at my thinking that I had "holy mother of bloat" back then.
Moms of 2+, when did your bloat become a bump in subsequent pregnancies?

12 words of geekdom:
I started showing (to others) around 18 wks with both. I actually wore regular jeans longer with my second pregnancy, but I didn't gain as much weight the second time either. And I think I was a few pounds smaller starting off the second time. I never had bloat like that. You and Jenni from the Blog amaze me!
You look so cute! I don't know whether I said congrats yet (I miss everything) but CONGRATS if I didn't ;)
Sooo was that picture taken at the end of the day or in the morning? Either way its a cute blump!!
You look adorable! The "blump" is super cute! I say you're having a boy, too!
You look great for being a 'hot mess'!
Hopefully you get that ultrasound so you can see your peanut!
What is it about the first trimester and fast food? I had that same craving (with both pregnancies) and I know other friends of mine did, too. Hopefully, you're on the mend so you can enjoy those fries soon.
Well, my 2nd pregnancy bloat turned out to be triplets. Congrats on your pregnancy - I hope you feel better soon.
Aww wow congratulations!
Haven't popped by in a while and that is such lovely news :)
Kelly x
Your bump is too cute!
I was huge my second time around right away. I had a massive bloat bump at 6 weeks and it never went away....became baby right around 10-12 weeks little by little. However, by the end I actually was not as big as I was the first time. It seemed I grew really fast and gained all my weight and then it leveled off. Hope your feeling better!
Thank you, everyone!
@Allison - yes this was at night. It bloat is still there in the morning, though! It's crazy. I think I might do a follow the bloat throughout the day post. It would be good for a laugh...
haha yeah... That would be neat to see the progression!
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