But I haven't been able to do either, because Carina has been unusually needy/fussy and has only been napping about 40 minutes each day. And for the last week she has been waking multiple times a night. Last night, it was 4 times. I bet you can see the bags under my eyes through the computer.
Two of our closest friends came to visit this weekend, and we were so excited to share our news with them in person. I bought a "Big Sister" shirt for Carina for the occasion. Turns out one of our other friends had already spilled the beans :(
Something is wrong with my blog comments. Since switching back to the Blogger platform, almost every post has gotten some comments using Blogger, and others using Intense Debate. And most of them have disappeared, unfortunately. I have no idea why is it is happening or how to fix it.
On top of it all, the Patriots lost.
Who wants to join in my pity party?
P.S. Toddle Along Tuesday will be back next week with the topic Parties. I couldn't get my act together in time to post tomorrow. Blah.

18 words of geekdom:
I will join your pity party and have a drink for you later too! Feel better!
Feel better Mama. We went through a phase of really weird sleeping last month, but we are back to "normal" now. Hang in there. Probably just a phase.
I hope you get this message! Hang in there...this is exactly why I've waited this long to TTC our #2. I wanted Braden to be old enough to be a bit more independent in case I feel like crap with this next (hopefully soon) pregnancy. You know me well enough to know I'm not "bashing" your decisions - just saying that I feel for you because I am worried I will be this way too! It's REALLY tough when you aren't getting good sleep at night either. You probably know how I feel about STTN too ;)
I can't join you, but I sure hope you feel better! Hope Carina lets you rest soon!
I, too, felt worse with my second pregnancy than I did with my first. It was not fun for awhile. Hang in there. It will get better! And hopefully Carina gives you a 'break' soon and let's you rest a bit!
I'm with you, lady. I feel like poop. So ready for the end of February so I can quit my job. Hang in there! This, too, shall pass.
I'm sorry :( I highly encourage you to sit on your pregnant butt and eat bonbons and sleep all day if you want, maybe get a sitter and take a break for yourself!
That is so disappointing that someone shared your news. I'm also disappointed that your friends that came to visit didn't at least act surprised. :(
I hope Carina gets past this phase quickly and you get some much-needed sleep.
Also, you are not the first person who has shared with me recently that their 2nd pregnancy was kicking their butt after having a fairly easy 1st pregnancy. Hang in there, Momma!! xo
I hope you feel better and get some much needed rest! You deserve it!
I highly encourage you to rest as much as you can. I hope Carina chills out soon so you won't have to stress.
As for the comments--have you deleted Intense Debate completely? That's so weird that it keeps popping up like that. Intense Debate does not play nicely with blogger.
I can only imagine how tough it is to be pregnant with a little one running around! I'm with you, I slept through half of my pregnancy. Hope things slow down a bit and you can get in a good nap :)
I'm sorry. I hope your day gets better!
Aww!! You are certainly entitled to a little pity party! Hope things get better soon!
:( So sorry that you are struggling and I have to say that is really shitty (pardon my french) that someone spilled your news!! Wow!
Thanks for the kind words, loves! I really appreciate it. And I hate not being able to respond to you individually...I wish I could get that aspect of the Blogger comment platform working :(
Yes it's so hard being pregnant with a toddler running around. I remember those days very well. Gone are the days you can just take a nap if you are feeling tired. It gets better once you hit the second trimester and then it gets worse once the third semester hugeness takes over. Hang in there though! As you know it's all worth it. I will join in your pity party over the Pats! So close but so far. Why couldn't anyone catch the damn ball???
I hope you had fun with the guys this past weekend! If they said I said something... it wasn't me, someone else we were out with said something (she reads your blog), and then afterwards... well kind of hard to hide it after someone spills the beans :( I'm just catching up on the blog now, we were out of town, but hope y'all are well!
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