I didn't think much of it until later yesterday afternoon when it happened a few more times, and I began to feel really ill. *Possibly TMI - if I haven't crossed that line already ;) * After M got home it started coming out of both ends and I couldn't keep anything down, not even water. My OB said that I would be more than welcome to come in for IV fluids if I was worried. I decided to give it a little more time and I tried to get some sleep. I was awaken an hour later by rather violent forces once again so we trucked it in to Urgent Care with a rather fussy baby in tow. She didn't appreciate being lifted from her nice warm bed.
We arrived at 11 PM and the doctor quickly diagnosed me with the nasty bug that has been circulating around. He gave me some Zofran in the hopes that it would help me keep some liquids down. Two hours later, it seemed to have been successful, so we headed back home. I've barely left my bed all day; I feel like someone has ripped my insides out. I'm so nervous about the baby. I was hoping they would perform an ultrasound to make sure everything is okay in there - but no dice. They do want me to come back next week for one, though. I am very eager to see what is baking in there.
M stayed home from work today to watch Carina, thankfully. I pray that they escape this, because it would pain me to see either one of them go through this. I don't know when I'll get back on the computer, for now I need to sleep.
P.S. Carina hasn't wanted to nurse since late last night. If my milk (which has already been decreasing in quantity a bit) ends up drying up because of this I think you might be able to hear my cries through the interwebz.

14 words of geekdom:
That does not sound fun! Hope you are feelin better soon.
I hope you feel better soon!!!
Oh m, I'm so sorry! I got food poisoning at 7w with this one and he is fine. Feel better soon!!!
Try to rest up!!! Feel better soon!
Hope you feel better, and the baby should be fine. How you described your illness is how my body handles pregnancy, but they don't give me the zofran until I end up in the ER needing fluids. It's why we only have 2 kids.
I hope you feel better soon, mama! If it makes you feel any better I had the same nasty stomach bug a week and a half ago. I too was worried about the baby but all was well at my u/s. I'm sure it'll be the same for you!
I am so very sorry. When I was pregnant with my second I had a very similar experience. I was about 7 weeks along and I got a horrible stomach bug (as did DH and our little boy) that lasted three horrendous days. I lost 10 lbs in those three days :S I remember being very worried about our baking little peanut as well but the body is an amazing thing and now that little peanut is a happy thriving 3 year old boy. T&Ps it passes quickly for you!!
That soooo sucks. I had two stomach bugs while I was pg and they told me that it wouldn't hurt the baby at all! Plus I ahd hyperemesis too and was told that wouldn't hurt the baby either -- but that was my biggest fear also!!! Hoping you are on the mend...
I was very sick weds-mon and my milk took a gigantic hit. Not to mention that my pump (since I work still that was a huge deal to my supply) took a nose-dive and stopped working on me last tuesday. I finally got my pump back working, after hand-expressing for days, and my health is in recovery and my milk is making a jump in the right direction. Can you pump if she doesn't nurse? Hoping you rebound.
Oh no, get better soon!
Thanks so much, ladies! I am starting to feel better, thank goodness.
I am so sorry to hear a number of you have been sick, too :(
@mrs.monica - I am worried about pumping, because I am pregnant. I should run it before my OB if I do, I think. Or maybe I am just being ridiculous :)
Why cant you pump if you are pregnant??
I have a cold and feel miserable. I dont think I can hand what you have. Ugh...hope you feel better soon!!
@Allison - I haven't pumped in months...I guess I would just be hesitant to start pumping now. I'm sure it's fine, but I would feel more comfortable running it by my OB first.
You poor thing-- we all had this two weeks ago and IT WAS AWFUL. I got sick like 50 times and lost 8lbs in 12 hours. It took 2-3 days before I had any energy again, which was right around the time it hit DH. Hope you feel better soon!
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