Mother of the year right here. Carina has been after my cup of coffee for as long as I can remember. One day she reached up onto our kitchen table (which I thought was a safe, high-enough place) and knocked it on the floor. Thank goodness it took a trajectory in the opposite direction, so she emerged from the incident burn-free.
After that, I decided it was worth letting her taste coffee to see how yucky it is to the infantile palate. Or so I assumed it would be? My hope was that this little sip would turn her off and she would stop trying to swipe it. I poured a very small amount in her tea cup and watched. She slowly raised it to her mouth, took a sip, and exclaimed, "mmmm yummy coffee! More coffee!"
Since that day, she has asked for coffee almost every morning. She doesn't really care for juice, is "meh" about milk, but goes crazy for Breakfast Blend and Colombian Roast. ::facepalm::
More coffee please! |
Are there any other toddlers out there with a taste for café au lait?

This week's Toddle Along Tuesday co-host is Heather from Terrell Family Fun and the topic is funny/quirky baby or toddler habits! Does your little one do something that constantly cracks you up or makes you shake your head? There are no rules here, except that you link up a relevant post (old or new) rather than your whole blog (or business, #comeonnow).
Next week's topic is weddings! I realized I've never shared photos from our wedding on the blog. This should be fun; share yours!
If you like advance notice for TAT, check out the bottom right of my blog - topics for the next couple months are listed. Would you like to submit a topic idea and/or volunteer to co-host one week? E-mail me!