I confess, I'm addicted to buying baby clothes. We were just talking about this on the Bump, and it looks like I'm not the only one (whew!) but I am still in the minority. I just can't help it. When I'm at Kohl's or Macy's and I see an adorable little dress for less than $5, I can't help but buy it! I do have the excuse that it could be a gift for my soon-to-be-niece (my sister is due March 16th), but in all honesty I'll probably keep most of the things I have bought.
Here is one of my favorites, it's a Ralph Lauren pink dress, originally $35, I got it for $7 at Macy's:
Am I crazy?
On another note, I ovulated on CD16! So far it's been CD 21, CD 18, CD 18, CD 18, and now CD 16.
5 words of geekdom:
"Hi, I'm mchupie, and I'm addicted to buying baby clothes!" haha.. I can't blame you. When we are officially TTC, I will probably do the same thing, if DH doesn't stop me first. He's all about waiting to make any purchases. Silly man!
I tease you, but I know you're not the only one.
I browsed online and found this, which I love:
Plus, last night when I couldn't sleep, I named 8 phantom babies. It's all good :)
Oooh 8 phantom babies? What are their names?
Soooo cute!!!!!
So cute! I did this too (even before we started trying), but now I have a baby clothes embargo until we get a BFP. I'll have to live varcariously through your shopping. ;)
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