We're not going to worry about it for now. He doesn't have any low testosterone symptoms, thank goodness. He'll go in for an SA next week and then we'll re-evaluate. We're both still pretty down, though.
In other news, M's mustache competition for charity was last night. It was HILARIOUS. It was a bunch of drunk guys in costumes for a mock beauty pageant. There was a Mr. Potato Head (he won), Mario from Super Mario Bros., the Swedish Chef, etc. M went as a mafia member. He raised $500 for the Make-a-Wish Foundation. The grand total for all contestants was $4300!

I am so proud of his dirty 'stache.

Please cross your fingers for good results for M's SA.
10 words of geekdom:
That is hysterical! Keeping my fingers crossed for could results from the SA.
Hahahaha he looks awesome and you my dear look beautiful!
Fingers crossed love!
::fingers crossed::
sayin' a prayer for the SA...
and BOY is that mustache a riot! :P He makes a good mafia member- and I bet that 'beauty pageant' was one heck of a show! lol
OMG I love it!! hahaha
PS- and I am certainly keeping my fingers crossed for good results!
Freakin' hilarious!! I love it!
Everything crossed for the SA.
The stash... oh geez! Has it now shaved it off? Too funny - i'd love to see mr. potato head.
Good luck on the SA, feel free to email me if you want someone to chat with!
LOL! OMG, he is a mess! But I love it. What a great thing to do.
Fingers crossed for good news coming your way very soon!
HAHA that doesn't even look like Mike!
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