I look the same as the last photo, but I wanted a 4 week picture :)

How far along?
Weight gain/loss: Starting weight was 118, same today
Maternity clothes? Way too early
Stretch marks? Way too early
Sleep? I am so tired, sleeping about 9 hours a night
Best moment this week? The BFP of course!
Food cravings: Pizza Hut stuffed crust pizza
Gender: Way too early
Belly button in or out? Way too early
Movement? Way too early
What I miss? Wine
What I'm looking forward to: Everything!
Weekly wisdom: Today I am pregnant, and I love my baby
Milestones: I think 4 weeks is a milestone :)
7 words of geekdom:
Happy to see daily updates! So excited for you! Can't wait to share in the excitement for the next 8 months!
yaaaaaaaaaaay for the 4 week update!
Mom, I won't be doing daily posts (that's too much!) Just weekly ones :)
Hey! Its me Maddie753 from the bump! So excited to be following you and your progress =)You look great!! congrats again!
Awww, congrats again, Mama!! You look great! :)
Not sure if you 'know' me from TTGP (I was more of a lurker), but I'm Erika9609. Just wanted to introduce myself! ;)
I definitely rememeber you, thanks for the congrats! :)
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