The bloat is beginning to recede!
How far along? 10 weeks (and change)...sorry I'm late this week! Baby is an inch and a half long now.
Weight gain/loss: Still at 118
Maternity clothes? Yes, I bought some maternity jeans that I am going to start wearing tomorrow. I can't wait.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep? I am sleeping close to 9 hours a night
Best moment this week? Spending time with the in-laws in Philadelphia!
Food cravings: Peanut butter
Gender: Way too early
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? Nope
What I miss? Yuengling
What I'm looking forward to: Relaxing this weekend
Weekly wisdom: I am pregnant and I love my baby!
Milestones: I had my first OB exam today and it went really well. I like my OB a lot; we are on the same page and he very thoroughly answered all of my questions. My NT scan is set for June 29th.
Here's what baby looks like this week:
6 words of geekdom:
what's the NT scan?
looking great, Missie!
Manda, it's another ultrasound to check for various chromosomal/structural abnormalities such as Downs or anencephaly. Hopefully baby will look great!
Glad everything is going well!
oh good! I was just going to advise against the "optional" tests that they offer to test for other defects, if it's not going to change your outcome (which i'm pretty sure it wouldn't!) all it can bring is stress
Yeah we would only do something if the baby doesn't have a brain or something severe like that. :)
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