How far along? 9 weeks...the bloat is a little bigger, it should actually begin to recede soon, before the real bump kicks in!
Weight gain/loss: Still at 118
Maternity clothes? Nope, but I am having to unzip my pants now, daily. I am so worried I am going to forget to zip them back up before I go to a meeting or something
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep? I love naps right now
Best moment this week? Having dinner with our good friend Andrea last night, who is moving away :(
Food cravings: Chocolate
Gender: Way too early
Belly button in or out? Definitely in
Movement? Way too early
What I miss? Wine
What I'm looking forward to: First ultrasound next on Wednesday!
Weekly wisdom: I am going to stop worrying, because there is nothing I can do if something is wrong
Milestones: I believe the baby is now a fetus! At least that's what some websites say
Here's what baby looks like this week (definitely more human-like!):
2 words of geekdom:
I'm so jealous! (juliane2004 from the bump here). I'm a tad overweight, plus I have babyweight from when I was pregnant with my (now) 8 month old. I wish I had a real baby bump like you! (bloat or not!)
You are so cute!! GL at the u/s tomorrow. I'm sure everything will be perfect! :)
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