He/she is measuring right on track at 12 weeks and 3 days, and his/her heartrate was 171 bpm. The doctor said all of baby's measurements look great! We are just so elated, I can't even put it in words.
The tech was kind enough to print us 5 pictures, here are my two favorites:

We were lucky enough to be in the one ultrasound room (out of a dozen) that had the 3D scanning capability. How awesome is the 3D picture?
Wow, I'm tearing up now as I write this. I seriously cry at the drop of a hat now, please don't judge!
9 words of geekdom:
Yay!! So happy for you :) I can't wait till my next u/s (not till August :( sad!)
M, your baby looks absolutely perfect! I am so glad the NT went well. You guys deserve it!
Congrats on the good appt M! Love the pics and to see that your baby is doing so well! Im so happy for you both!
I am over the moon for you!!
YAY! Sooo exciting!!! Very happy for you!!! Looks like a perfect little baby!
Awesome! I'm so glad to hear everything is perfect!
Love seeing this, chup! (Makes me wish I would have gotten an NT scan!) Congrats to you! :)
yay!!! looking good! my guess is still a girl ;-)
if you are crying now then you'll be crying the whole time probably haha -- i've been crying for the last month, so I know the feeling! I was crying all the way to the hospital when we went in to have our little munchkin! SO HAPPY FOR YOU!
Awesome grandbaby there, Melissa!
I'm shedding tears, too. The proverbial apple doesn't fall far from the apple tree...
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