Sorry I'm late. We were busy last night. We went out and then had to go to sleep really early; I had to bring M to the airport at 4 AM. He is at a conference in Providence all week.
How far along? 17 weeks
Weight gain/loss: 124 lbs. for a total of 6 gained
Maternity clothes? Are my new best friend. I am practically wearing them every day now. I need to buy more.
Stretch marks? None yet.
Sleep? I am having difficulty trying to sleep on my left side all the time :(
Best moment this week? A little bit more movement!
Food cravings: Ice cream
Gender: Can't wait to find out on the 23rd
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? Flutters every now and then
What I miss? Beer. Good beer.
What I'm looking forward to: Visiting my family back in Massachusetts on Thursday.
Milestones: I believe I'm now in my 5th month of pregnancy :)
Here's what baby looks like this week:
5 words of geekdom:
looking good! sleeping on your left side is hard - i ended up sleeping on my left side, right side and back the WHOLE pregnancy.
Your bump is so cute! And time is really flying!
Pregnancy looks so good on you, lady! I love your weekly updates. :)
You look great!!!
Look at that beautiful bump you're sporting!
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