I had my follow-up appointment with my OB today, which concluded my pregnancy care. I can't believe it has been six weeks already.
I was fortunate to have no complications after delivery or during recovery. The only thing that has been problematic actually started today (good timing, right?) I have a plugged duct. Half of my right boob feels like a rock; no fun at all. Andplusalso it hurts like a beotch. I have to massage it and apply warm compresses, and hopefully it will go away soon.
I am very excited to be able to take baths again! I took them almost daily throughout my 2nd and 3rd Trimesters to relax. I think I'll take Carina in the tub with me and pray that she loves it, too (and that she doesn't poop on me).
Oh, and how could I forget, I am happy to announce that we have an all clear, if you know what I mean... ;)

7 words of geekdom:
I had my visit today too- how are our babies already 6 weeks old?!?!
If I could PIP the doggy style stick people, I so would. I'm sorry about the blocked duct... but I'm glad you got the all clear. :)
I must be a prude, but I don't understand the Brown Chicken, Brown Cow thing?
Shannon, my favorite definition comes from Urban Dictionary:
An onomatopaeic imitation of the guitar riff commonly heard in 1970's porn movies.
Isn't it insane how you are so tied to your OB office for the better part of a year and then you are all of a sudden set loose?
I can't believe it's been 6 weeks already!!! Wow, how time flies! Pretty soon my baby girl will be here. So glad i can read your blog to prepare and get ideas! ;)
Chrissie, it is crazy! Lucky for me that my OB is also Carina's doctor, so I still get to see him :)
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