Pitch black was much too dark for me to be able to unhook my nursing tank, position her on nursing pillow, and see if she was awake or asleep so I ordered the Munchkin Portable Nightlight

Second, it's portable. The night light comes on a base that plugs in, but can be taken off of the base and carried around. It lasts up to 10 hours per charge.
Third, it has a number of different colors (left); my favorite is the blue. The color changing mode is pretty cool, too. It goes through all of the colors of the rainbow continuously.
Lastly, after 30 minutes the night light shuts off automatically. This is great because I would always forget to shut it off. No wasted batteries or electricity here.
How do you see at night when you tend to baby? Turn the light on? Similar type of night light?

9 words of geekdom:
I turn on the light in the hallway or bathroom outside of her bedroom door when I'm getting her out of her crib, changing her diaper, and putting her back to bed because the nightlight we have sucks.
I feed her in the livingroom with the tv turned on (I've seen more episodes of Three's Company and The Golden Girls in the past 8 weeks than I'd seen in my whole life lol!), but the volume is on really low. I don't turn on any other lights.
What a great find!
I just stopped turning on the light within the last week. It never occurred to me that it might affect him and one night I just didn't turn it on out of laziness. He feel back asleep so much faster that night, so since then I've been leaving it off. I don't change him during the night though. I'd have to turn a light on for that.
@Sarah - I started using Netflix streaming through the Wii for my nightly feeding tv watching. I'm on Season 5 of Bones, halfway through Season 1 of Prison Break, and I watched all of Season 1 (maybe the only season?) of Hot in Cleveland. Oh, and a few episodes of Drop Dead Diva. :)
Cute doggie light!
We had a dimmer on our Ikea lamp that I still love!
Just enough light to help Mommy & Daddy see where they're going, and not enough to keep the baby awake!
too cute! DD doesnt wake up at night anymore, but we have a night light that we put on every night for her. this is way cuter tho!
I have a side lamp that I have kept on all thru the night in her room the last few nights because she has been sleeping in our room and I go in there to feed her in the night. But, I think it is too bright and wanted to get some night lights.. my parents have some from my grandparents house and my mom is going to bring it to me soon so I can use that. But since we are just starting out I kind of need more like I also have started turning on some side lights so I can have some light in my travels through the house in the night. ;)
I love your blog! I just wanted to know that I left you a little something on my blog :)
P.S. - I know you from TB :) I am happilyeverafterxo :)
We have the same night light...have had it since Mady was born. We love it!
Now Mady recognizes the light and quiets down as soon as she sees the glow coming into her room!
I might have to try one of these. Right now I'm using the bathroom light in the hallway.
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