Sunday was one of those days. We brought Carina outside for some fun.
Putting her feet in the grass for the first time!
Practicing walking on Daddy
Funny facial expressions
Look at these smiles!
So cute cuddling with Daddy
I know that she is months away from walking, but the practicing is just so cute! When did your baby start walking?

7 words of geekdom:
ours were wicked early, Conor took his first step at 10 months old, and was walking well by 11. Riley saw Conor, and wanted to keep up with him, her first step was at 9 months, and she was walking good by 10. Those pics are so cute, she's getting so big!! :)
I love her big round eyes! Pretty lady.
It was 15 months for DD1, and I anticipate it being much earlier for DD2! She is already almost sitting, and is only 4 months. Carina is so cute!
Her eyes are the best!
So cute!!! :)
Hannah (my 6 yr old) started walking around 15 months. She was a chunk so I guess she had a lot of weight to carry.
Autumn (my 2 yr old) was about 11 months. She wasn't as chunky. :P
Now I'm wishing I had an almost-ready-to-walk baby. LOL Love that time!
I love these pictures!! She is just so cute. I'm glad you were able to get some nice outside time. I just love going out and having family time like that. One day our children will not want to spend time with us!! haha
Lennox (11months) is not walking unassisted yet, but she will walk if you hold her arms, or she will walk along objects, like the couch!
She is adorable. Love the pics.
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