This morning we gave Carina solids for the first time. We waited until just a few days before her 6 month birthday because
a whole slew of organizations recommend delaying the introduction of solids until now. In all honesty, I wasn't quite ready to deal with the mess until now, either.
So I made pea puree using my new baby food maker (more on that to come tomorrow!) and we set up our
Fisher-Price Precious Planet High Chair
. After strapping Carina in, it was go time.
Ready to get started |
In go the peas! |
Not sure about these, Mom |
Okay, maybe they aren't so bad |
Do you like my green goatee? |
Because pics can't do it justice:
In all, she got more peas on her face and bib than in her mouth. We're crossing our fingers that she'll actually eat some of it next time.
What was your baby's first solid food? How did it go?
14 words of geekdom:
I love your blog. She's just adorable.
We waited till 6 months, too. I got so much flack for it! Anyway, she still wasn't quite ready till after 8 months. Meal time was a battlefield till then, so we often just nursed. Every baby is different and we have to follow our gut about these things, right?
Cute! I'm glad it went well. Olive's first food was peas, too. I love making them because you can get them so cheap and cook them so easily. We've found that "feeding" Olive really was similar to a game of catch...:)
@Holly - I've gotten a lot of flack, too! I just wasn't in a rush, and when I read that lots of professionals recommend waiting, it seemed like a no-brainer to me.
We started at 24 weeks (a few weeks shy of 6 months) and that's because he reached over and started gnawing on my banana. So far we've done banana, avocado, apples and green beans
I plan on waiting until at least 6 months, as well. Let everyone make their's my baby, not theirs. ;)
Such a cutie! She looks like my niece did at that age! :)
Both my girls started solids around 4 months. That's what they were recommending, but so much has changed in the land of baby it seems. :) They both first tried rice cereal and then it was either bananas or green beans. I miss that spoon-feeding stage...didn't seem to last long enough :P
We introduced cereal at six months at other solids at eight months. I nursed for 13 months and he seemed to gain weight the whole time.
I think ours was carrots or something. I really wanted to wait until Thad was 6 months old, but he was literally starving and the bottle just wasn't cutting it. So at either 4.5 or 5.5 (I can't remember right now), we started. Oddly enough, he started STNN as soon as we started solids...maybe what they say is true???
p.s. She a gorgeous eyes!!!
*, sorry
@L- My kiddo started sleeping waaaay better after solids came into her life! And, the nights that she has an exceptionally big dinner, she sleeps best.
New follower here via Bloggy Moms! How cute... Seriously, adorable!!! :) - Olivia Blue Music
Maybe if you make her something better than peas she'll like it more! ;) Thanks for linking up to Tasty Thursdays.
Loved the video she s adorable
Meg b
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