A number of the blogs on my blog roll - in the "Love to Read" section on the right - have gone (or are going) private, or are no longer active. As a result, I need to clean house! If you are on my blog roll or have been in the past, and you would like to stay there, please comment on this post or shoot me an e-mail and let me know. If I don't hear from you I will assume you don't want me to include you, and I'll remove you from the "Love to Read" section. Don't want to send traffic your way if it is unwelcome :)
Thanks loves, and have a great Saturday!

12 words of geekdom:
I'd like to stay there. :)
Am I on there? If so, I'd like to stay... :)
I'd like to be there
New GFC follower from the Super Stalker Sunday Blog Hop
~Mommy's Moments~
{{a review & giveaway blog}}
A new follower from Super Stalker Sunday. Your baby is precious. I love babies. Doylene
I'd like to stay! I love your blog! :)
Please keep me on your blog!
Mom - I'm not removing people from being able to read my blog, I'm just removing inactive blogs from the "Love to Read" section in the right sidebar :)
I'm having a blond moment, can't find any RSS button and can't seem to figure out how to "unfollow" in order to get you to show up on my feed. But I always remember to come by at least once a week for my Moochie fix :)
@Katib - under the Follow section there is a "Sign in" link. Click it, then click "Sign in with Google", and then put in your password. Then, a little drop down Options menu appears in the Follow section. Choose site settings and then there is a link "Stop following this site". Then you can re-click the Follow button :)
The little orange button under the Follow section is the RSS button.
Hope I'm not too lagte on this but I'd love to stay as well (www.ainslieelizabeth.blogspot.com)
I tried to comment on this post much earlier but for whatever reason my computer will not let me comment on any blogs I read. I can only leave comments from my husband's computer which he always has at work with him. Boooo...anyway, hope I'm not too late! =)
@Mrs.W - added back!
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