Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Swimming fail

It doesn't get above 90 degrees at the end of May or beginning of June in Wisconsin very often. So when it did, we decided to take advantage. Unfortunately, we had some bad luck. First, the size 6-12 month swimsuit my Mom gave to Carina didn't quite fit our hammy ham ham.  I guess we need a bigger size?  Second, well...see for yourself.

About to go into the water

Right after her feet touched it...too cold!

What was that, Mom and Dad?!?

So we gave up on the pool, and just lounged around for a while.

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22 words of geekdom:

basebell6 said...

the third picture down made me laugh sooo hard! so cute! she'll love the pool someday i'm sure! we havent tried a big pool but blaine loves the kiddie pool we put out on the deck! [and so do i LOL]

Lacey [The Southern Mommy Chronicles] said...

oh my! like another person said, the 3rd pic down had me dang near spitting water out on my screen! Here in TX, we start getting pools and swim ready at the end of April!

Libby said...

LOL! Love it! She is sooooo cute!

Nikki said...

Awww she's so cute!!! I'm sure she'll like it soon! Zulily has a few cute bathing suits on there right now, I saw a really darling little one in pink with hibiscus flowers on it for around $8. So cute!

Breanna said...

She is so precious! :) Love the pictures!

Nancy said...

I love her bathing suit! She is too precious. :) I'm afraid Arianna is going to freak out at the pool because it will be too cold.

Katie said...

SQUEE! Carina is such a cutie. We're taking Colin to the beach this weekend, so I'm sure we'll get some interesting reaction photos, too. :)

Heather said...

So cute - i'm sure she will get used to the water if you try again as the summer goes on!

Sweet Little Lovings said...

It is so hot here as well! Colson gives me that face every time I give him a bath, I can only imagine how he would react if I put him in a pool! :oP love the bathing suit though! Super cute!

Unknown said...

those were GREAT PICTURES!!

Cute hat, too.

Amanda Westerlund said...

love all the pics, too cute!

Modern Momma said...

Your daughter is soooo cute!!

mama foosa said...

She's so adorable!! Love the hat :)

Jamie said...

Oh my goodness so adorable! I didn't even think that babies probably wouldn't like the coldness of the pool water lol. Good to know.

Zookers said...

Carina looks so good in that hat!! Adorable!

Mama G said...

@Nikki - thanks for the tip!

Thanks everyone, I think she is pretty cute, too :)

We'll probably try again this weekend if it is still hot out!

Anonymous said...


Alex did the same thing. She whined and then looked as us like "This is NOT my tubby!".

anonomity said...

She is SO adorable!!! Love these photos!!!

Camille said...

What a fun blog! Your pictures are darling. Found you on the Blog Hop and I am happy that I did! I am excited to see what you do next. :) I am your newest follower and I would love to have you follow back if you want!
Camille @

Kristin said...

HI! here's my c&p Alexa message ;) taking your advice!

...Visiting from the Alexa Hop (kelly's lucky) I would love if you could visit me too!

Our Growing Garden

Mishu said...

Gosh Carina is so terribly cute!! I noticed baby swimsuits run extra small, what is up with that?

Baby shower favors said...

Such a cute baby going to enjoy the swim.its beautiful!

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