I put her down for a nap at the normal time...cue screaming. I try to read her a story, begin hysterics. I lay her on the changing table thinking that a rancid diaper might be the offender...nope, no poop, and now more crying. She usually loves diaper changing time. My last ditch effort: a massage with her favorite baby oil. Instead of giggling and cooing, she's wailing. She won't eat enough for the Nanny, either. Uggh. More on that later in the week.
Sweet sweet baby, what is going on?
Is it teething pain?
Do you miss Mommy now that I've been back at work full time?
Are you staging an infantile revolt of some sort?
You're taunting me Carina, aren't you? |
Just because I feel a little less stabby when I see this smile |

19 words of geekdom:
I don't have any advice for you...but I do want to say that she is oh so adorable :)
Yep, I feel your pain! Mr. Colin has been fussier lately, too. I think we're in the very beginning stages of teething, because he's constantly drooling and putting things in his mouth.
Here's hoping both of our babies are happier soon!
Sidenote: Is she sleeping well at night, at least?
I don't know what's going on, but it must be going around. My 5.5-month-old is acting the same way. *PULLING HAIR OUT*
I bet you big money that it is the beginning of teething. (((hugs)))
That does not sound fun. :( Olivia has been a little more testy for everyone BUT mommy...so usually me (or the boob) can fix most situations. Good luck!
Growth Spurt?
Oh she is so adorable! Mine went through similar phases, it will pass =)
Yeah, I hear you on this one. Lots of crying nowadays. I think it's teething pain. I hope she comes around soon...it is frustrating to have your few hours together be stressful. But you being there with her is all she cares about :)
Could be teething. Riley's getting her two bottom molars right now, and when she's super fussy, we give her motrin. Carina's now 6 months you can try that, call the dr for the dosing, sometimes the box isn't right if your baby is heavier. With Riley, we always notice a HUGE difference about a half hour after the dose, but only when it really is teething that's bothering her. If she has a cold or bug it never seems to make a difference. I'd say it's worth a shot. Good luck!
lennox has done this before when we get home from work and she gets home from daycare. apparently babies will let out all their "stress" from the day to the mommy and daddy. even if their day is as happy as can be at daycare they still are overwhelmed with joy, tired, something and they know they can show it w/ their parents.... or so they say! good luck - it will get better!!
this is happening to my 11 (almost 12 month old) RIGHT NOW. the last 2 weeks have been EXTREMELY TOUGH on my sanity!! i just call him an emotional midget. everything throws him into a tantrum.
We went through this a couple of months ago. James was so whiney allllll the time and wouldn't nap. All I can say is he grew out of it. Hang in there. She will get easier as she notices more of her surroundings and can walk.
My 13y/o went through that, she started at 6 months. I was told it was separation anxiety. It took her maybe a month to get over that. I'm a sahm now, so baby Josef won't have to go through that.
Are her gums swollen? When Abbie is teething, we can literally see the white outlines of her teeth through her gums.
Also could be a growth spurt or maybe a milestone. We had a lot of trouble putting Abbie down for bed last week. She would just scream, which was very unusual for her. Yesterday at daycare, after over a week off, they thought she looked very long, and just yesterday, she started pulling up. So it could have been a combination of both. Or a bout of separation anxiety, which is supposed to start right around 9 months. Who knows! It would be so much easier if they could tell us! Good luck! She'll be back to your happy baby soon.
Sounds like teething... or possibly an ear infection? Ezra only gets a very very mild temp when he has an ear infection, but I've found that his whole demeanor changes completely. Try an little tylenol? I'm sorry :( I'm sure it will pass
I agree with a couple of other comments here...teething or growth spurt...or both!!
YES!! My soon to be 7 month old is going through basically the exact same thing. She's constantly whining and fussing, and she's hard to get to sleep. She's also boogery and congested. Although her boogers are dry and crusty, and clear. I actually was at the doctor for another reason last week a day or two after it started and she said she sounded fine. Didn't think she was sick.
I know that she's teething, because one just came through right before this all started. My guess is that either it's still bothering her, or there is another one about to come through.
I've been wondering who stole my perfect, happy baby and replaced her with this fussy one. I was even going to write a blog post about it!
Yes, Blake does the same thing. Some days are worse than others. It's to the point where I can barely cook dinner anymore because she is screaming like a crazy woman. I feel your pain!
I can relate to this frustrated feeling! Baby J has had an ear infection and it has made him a different baby. Luckily he's now recovering and is back to his normal self. Hope Carina grows out off this phase soon!
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