Carina turned 8 months old on Sunday!
Milestones: You are babbling and yelling all the time now. When I was singing to you today, I think you were trying to sing back to me, I'm sorry it just came out as "baah baaaaaaaah ahhhh!" You seemed frustrated that you couldn't sing like Mommy. In time, sweetie. You can get on all fours and *almost* crawl. I say almost because it isn't really a crawl, you sort of propel yourself forward and face plant. I know it's only a matter of time before you're taking off around the room! You are also really close to standing. You love to try but just aren't quite strong enough to do it on your own yet.
Loves: The big Clifford the red dog stuffed animal your Grammie gave you, the
"Daddy monster", playing with Daddy's glasses, and trying to bang on the keyboard to Mommy's computer. The
Melissa & Doug Abacus
Fisher-Price Storybook Rhymes
Fisher-Price Pots & Pans
are some of the toys you are really enjoying. Actually, I could say that you love just about everything right now - that is, you
love to put it in your mouth.
Everything goes in your mouth these days. You also have fun just reaching for things...anything you see, you want to hold it. If I pick you up and let you "stand" on the bathroom counter, you try to grab my hair spray, Daddy's razor (eek!), the faucet.
Hates: Right now you are really fighting solid food. We thought we had hit the jackpot with apples & cinnamon, and then all of a sudden you don't want it anymore. I hope you don't end up being a picky eater like your Mama. Lately you've also been getting really upset when we put you down in your crib for naps. It's just a nap, we're still here when you wake up, please don't cry :( Lastly, you get
so upset whenever we try to take something away from you. The word "No" has become your worst enemy.
Weight & height: The bathroom scale says you are 17 lbs. I hope that you are at least this, in actuality. Let's
get back on track now that I am home with you every day. No more bottle battles! We just switched you into Size 4 diapers after 5 mornings of consecutive blowouts. Nothing like lifting you out of the crib in the morning to notice a lovely shade of orangish-brown all over. Yuck. No problems with the 4s yet. Your 6-9 Month and 9 Month clothes are getting snug. We're putting you in 12 Month clothes as often as we can. They are a bit roomier.
Our printer cartridges have run out of ink and I haven't had a chance to get new ones so please disregard the clovers and pot of gold on the "I am 8 months old today" sign. I oh-so-cleverly used a Sharpie to change the "3" to an "8" :)
What, did you need this? |
This is my surprised face |
Pretty dress |
Trying to salvage the sign, and failing |
So serious |
Smiley! |
Face plant |
Tee hee! |
HI! |