Becoming pregnant has sort of thrown a wrench into my plans. As much as I would like to continue to nurse Carina throughout pregnancy, I am trying to prepare myself for that not being a possibility. My supply has already decreased to the point where I don't feel like I have enough milk to satisfy her. I nurse her right after she wakes up, before each of her two naps, and before bed. In the morning, all is good. But as we go throughout the day it takes longer and longer for me to let down and it isn't long before the milk is gone - on both sides :( In addition to the supply issue, it is starting to hurt when she nurses every now and then.
I know there are a few things I could try in an attempt to ramp up production, but I feel as if my body is telling me that it is time to stop (or almost time). And since I don't think tandem nursing is for me, maybe I just need to brace myself and prepare for the end. I'm going to follow her cues for now. If she wants to drop more feedings or loses interest, I will {cry a little inside and} accept it .
I don't mean to be so dramatic, sorry, I guess I just never realized how hard this would be. Damn you pregnancy hormones, now I'm getting all teary-eyed...

9 words of geekdom:
Awww momma I feel your pain. Such a tough decision to make but be proud of yourself - you have done an amazing job!!
I got pregnant with dexter when little theodore was only 5 months old. my supply just dwindled until there was literally nothing left. I nursed him for the last time the day he turned 8 months old. I was heartbroken because I felt like it was not my choice and out of my control. my doctor made me feel better about it when she pointed out that nursing causes uterine contractions and could cause early labor. she wanted me to stop by the time I was 20 weeks anyway, so I just look at it like I needed all of those resources or my new baby. it is great that you have made it this far. give yourself a pat on the back!
You could stick with just a morning and night feeding and skip the ones before nap?
You are amazing! Think about all you have done!! And be so proud of yourself!
It's sad isn't it? My little girl is ten and a half months and is starting to lose interest. She has 5 minutes or so of nursing first thing in the morning and 10 minutes before she goes to bed at night... and that's it. And I can feel my supply dwindling. Even what she has is my choice, she doesn't seem to ask for it. I'm going to miss my milky baby snuggles more than I could ever have imagined.
Just remember, you've done an outstanding job feeding her as long as you have, given her a wonderful start in life and created an amazing bond between the two of you. Celebrate what you've achieved! x
I know it's such a hard transition to be the sole source of food for your little one and then they have less interest. Of course she loves you for all your other reasons too! :) I'm still in awe that you were able to get pregnant while nursing. It seems that I'm not designed like that. Starting to think about weaning N at 12 months to start TTC which brings up all sorts of guilt. I did it with X and it still took 6 months after weaning. Ahh these decisions are so hard. There is at least no right or wrong. Only what's best for you and your baby! At least you will have a new little one to nurse sooner than you think! The second pregnancy seems to go quicker so hang on.
I am in the same boat as you... My baby will be one tomorrow and I am 7 weeks along with number 2, yet still trying to nurse. She also nurses in the morning and bedtime and before naps on weekends. (am working full time) so I feel all your frustrations! But you have already given her the best and anything else you can do is just icing on the cake right? For now, just enjoy eating for THREE!! How often can you say that??????
Thanks for the words of support and encouragement, ladies! I am so happy with all I have done for her, and I know it will be okay if/when I stop. I'll get there, lol...
Congrats on making it so far!! I was surprised by how upset I was at the thought of weaning. It's awesome that you'll be able to follow her lead and let things happen naturally. I hope it all works out for the best for both (or, technically all three!) of you!!
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