A couple weeks ago we got our first Connecticut snowstorm, which brought about 7 inches of the fluffy stuff and continued from early morning through late afternoon. We took my new camera outside to snap a few photos of Carina enjoying the snow for the first time, but I got nervous because the flakes were still falling and I didn't want to ruin the camera. So you'll have to settle for the pics I took from the safety of our farmer's porch.
We came inside to warm up and all Carina wanted to do was snuggle her monkey.

11 words of geekdom:
Evie looked around like what. the. eff. is this stuff?!?!
Aw, it looks like she enjoyed herself! Colson hated it! He wouldn't sit in the stuff without crying! :oP Hannah now LOVES the snow!
So cute! G experienced snow for the first time too when we had that freak storm a few weeks back. She LOVES it.
She looks like she's having so much fun :)
Great Pictures! Love how much snow excites our little babies! It has the opposite effect on me hahah
What a little snow bunny! I just love the complexion of her skin. I cannot wait for the day J gets to play in the snow...but here in SC it might be a while :)
Jealous of your snow. As much as I hate winter I wish we would get only one storm so Xander could go sliding and I could get some cute pics. :) Love the pic of her in the sled looking at you. Great expression.
My son loves the snow..as long as he can still walk in it. We just a blizzard this weekend in Colorado..24inches of snow, he didn't go out in it :) He couldn't walk, so he just cried lol
Fun -- we just had a snow day on Friday! (Same storm the previous commentor mentioned)
Hey Mama G! You've been tagged in my blog for the 11 randoms. I'm sure you've seen it on tons of blogs already so now it's your turn to answer some questions. :)
How fun! I wish we had more snow here!
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