Unfortunately, our cats' crusty multiple-hours-old wet food was not what I had in mind. Cue vomit.
M was out running an errand and I needed to pee quite badly, so I brought Carina in the bathroom with me and let her cruise along the tub (which she loves) while I relieved my sad pregnant bladder. She looked at me mischievously and bounded out of the bathroom.
I followed after her into the kitchen about 15 seconds later to find her seated next to the cat food bowl. She turned towards me with a look of pure disgust plastered across her face. I opened her mouth, and fished out a fistful of 9 Lives shredded turkey in gravy. It's my cats' favorite. Carina did not share the sentiment.
It's awful that in retrospect I wish I had ran to get my camera, right? ;)
What strange things has your little one eaten (or attempted to eat)?

8 words of geekdom:
LOL poor Carina!!
I bet she won't try that again! LOL.
If Colson ever manages to sneak into the kitchen past the gate that we obviously forgot to close, 99% of the time we can find him eating dog food or using their water bowl as a mini pool.
Oh no!!! Poor Carina
Same as Jennifer. She loves the dog food. Ewwww!
What is it with babies and pet food or water? LOL
Mine little girl has eaten cat food too!! But the hard kind, like her Cherrios!! Grossness!
We had this issue too. In fact the first time Leland crawled, it was to the cat food. Those immediately went to a new higher spot as did the cat toys. Leland is still obsessed with the cats though.
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