Monday, March 5, 2012

Finally time to do something for myself?

I have never spent a night away from Carina. In her 14 months of life, I don't think we have been apart for longer than a few hours, aside from when I worked full time (from mid-June through August). I think it's about time for Mommy to have some me-time, don't you think?

I really really really want to go to BlogHer in New York City in August ::stomps feet:: BlogHer is a huge blogging conference where thousands of bloggers come together to connect, learn, and inspire (and let's be honest: party). I have made so many wonderful friends in the blogging community, and would absolutely love to meet some of them in person!

Reasons I especially would like to go this year:
1. New York City is only an hour and a half train ride away from me! Who knows if it will ever be so close again.
2. Many of my fantastic bloggy buddies are going and I am dying to meet them.
3. It will be harder to get away next year (and beyond) after adding another baby to the family.
4. The possibility of wearing some super cute maternity party dresses! Yep, I will be 32 weeks pregnant at the time.

What is standing in my way?
1. Child care - it will be hard for M to take the two days off of work to watch Carina, since the week after we were already planning on going on vacation with his family. We might have to consider some other options.
2. Money - it's a bit tight right now. My amazingly generous friend Tottums has offered to share her free hotel room with me, and the train ride is quite inexpensive, but the cost of the ticket, meals, materials, clothes - as I don't currently own any nice summer clothes that will fit me when I am blimp-sized, etc. will easily exceed $500. I don't know if I can justify that right now.
3. Mommy guilt - can I really be away from my family and all responsibilities for 3 whole days?

Sound off! Should I go? Are you going? Any advice/ideas/thoughts/dirty jokes for me? ;)


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