The awesome news:
My amazing friend Stephanie over at The Froggy and the Mouse has graciously offered to let me stay with her in her free hotel room AND New York City is practically in my backyard. Just a quick hour and 40 minute train ride, no need to worry about flying!
Woot! All of the below is taken care of!

Compiled a few partnership/sponsorship packages for companies or businesses interested in working with me.
Discounted my ad space through August! All ad proceeds will go directly towards getting me to BlogHer. I have had 50,000+ pageviews each month for the last few months, so now is a great time to join me! Also, I just added a new ad size perfect for blogs (125x125) and to celebrate my going to BlogHer I am offering a completely free 125x125 ad for 1 month to the first 2 people whouse promo code FREE (*sorry already taken, wow that was fast!) for the "Baby Geek" size ad. Yay!
Who is going to be at BlogHer? Post a comment and let me know!