Weight gain/loss: Still 145 lbs. Total gain of 27 lbs. so far, which is 7 lbs. less than I was with Carina at this point.
Feeling: Okay, actually. Sure I'm tired and don't feel like moving from the couch much, but other than the little scare last week I've been doing just fine.
Maternity clothes? Most of my tops are at that weird tenting stage, which isn't particularly attractive. Since it's still so warm out, I'm mostly living in dresses or tank tops and gym shorts. To be truthful, though? I'd much rather hang out with the bump out. So much more comfortable...
Sleep: Better! I think I'm so exhausted that it has managed to overpower my insomnia.
Food cravings: Raisin Bran with milk, and CHOCOLATE*. Can't get much more random than that! Carina loves the raisins, too. She's always hawking my cereal.
Movement? I'm not feeling much other than a few rolls here and there. Except last week when Carina accidentally punched my stomach - baby girl fought back! Unfortunately that wasn't so pleasant for me. I can't believe she's still in utero and they're already fighting ;)
What I miss? Doing anything at all with ease. Giving her a bath, emptying the dishwasher, doing laundry, everything! is just such a chore at this point. I think it takes me at least twice as long than it did when I wasn't enormous.
Best moment this week: Finding out that baby and I were just fine at L&D. I was really worried that I was going to have to be induced again...and I wasn't ready yet!
What I'm looking forward to: Meeting her! If she's anything like Carina, she could be here in just a couple days. Eeek!
Next Appointment: Friday, September 14th at almost 39 weeks.
Milestones: Only two weeks until my due date!
I was 38 weeks with Carina on Christmas Day back in 2010. At the time, I had no idea it would be my last bump pic! Carina was born just 3 days later. Looking at the photo, wow, I looked freakishly huge. I don't think I look as big this time!
*Speaking of chocolate, because I'm so obsessed with it right now, I'm hosting a Velata Chocolate Fondue party with my friend Sandy! Check out my Velata review from a few months back if you're interested!